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Real Progress- Part 1

"A living thing"

"All that progressives ask or desire is permission-in an era when ‘development,’ ‘evolution,’ is the scientific word-to interpret the Constitution according to the Darwinian principle; all they ask is recognition of the fact that a nation is a living thing and not a machine.”

Woodrow Wilson

Back at the founding of our nation the men who created the structure of our government never thought of Indians or slaves or even women as being eligible to vote. In fact at most somewhere between fifty and sixty percent of white men were eligible to vote due to land ownership requirements. The ability to participate in this new political freedom the American Revolution had wrought was actually quite restricted by today's standards. Yet the slaves were freed and given the vote, Indians have their own separate reservations but are also American citizens with the right to vote in elections and women now make up more than half of the electorate.

How did this come to be? If as Woodrow Wilson viewed it, that the US Constitution was some sort of machine incapable of evolving, how did all this progress take place? Very simply the Constitution evolved.
But the key is that it did not evolve based upon the temporary ideological beliefs of a few, it evolved based upon the societal evolution of the nation it was meant to guide.

Built into the founding documents of our nation, actually inbred in the very genetic DNA of our foundational principles was the seed that made all this and many more political evolutions possible, in fact inevitable. Because at the core of the American experiment, the very thing we call American exceptionalism is the belief in Individual Liberty. A nation founded on such a principle as "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal...." could not continue to exist with a hypocritical abomination such as slavery...and so slavery was destroyed .
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure....
And that nation so created could not have continued to exist, but exist it does, not in spite of The Constitution but rather because of it.  Because of the principles embedded within our foundational documents real progress was inevitable.

"Claiming to be wise, they became fools."

As a true student of history, I fully understand the distorted view that is being taught today and foisted on the naive by the Progressives. Whether they do it maliciously or out of ignorance is important but more important still is to understand the methods they use to promote their agendas.

It is really quite simple, they teach history backwards. That is to say that they take today's standards and apply them to the past, holding the past accountable to a more enlightened future. It is worse than comparing apples to oranges it is like comparing a Corvette to a Model -T.  It is as if they say look at these two forms of transportation with but one viewpoint, which  one is superior? Of course by every objective standard, the Corvette would be far superior to the Model-T  but the  Progressives  do not put the two vehicles in context. In our analogy they make fun of the Model-T, its  slowness, it awkward appearance, its engineering simplicity, everything about the Model-T is inferior to the Corvette, so the Model-T is held up to ridicule and scorn.  They compare the past based upon the present.

 However if you took that same Model-T and compared it to the horse and buggy, it is an engineering and mechanical miracle far superior in relative advancement than the modern Corvette is to the Model-T. This is how history is meant to be understood, viewed, interpreted and taught, based not on the period which
follows but by the ages that preceded it, only in this way can history  truly be objectively taught or understood. The Progressive for all their talk and emphasis on evolution do not apply it where it does not fit their very narrow and closed minded belief structure.  To put it simply Progressives do not allow for the evolution of man and the society of man, they deny it.

For all their talk about The Constitution as a "living document" they neither recognize that it is and always has been nor do they allow for the natural evolution of our Republic or society in general.  They instead choose to enforce their elitist view of  what they perceive the world to be on the majority of their citizens rather than let the natural selection of societal norms to take place.  Society is not a test tube to be tinkered with by self-appointed intellectuals, it is a living thing that seeks its own natural equilibrium for its own survival.

This tinkering would be laudable if its goals were in fact to improve and advance humankind and many are the Progressives that sincerely believe that this is their calling, but the facts and the reality of this cancerous ideology are the opposite. The Progressive ideology is akin to what is popularly known as the helicopter mother. An  overbearing parent who seeks to manipulate and control their child for what they perceive to be best interest of the child. Never does the parent or the Progressive for that matter question why they have reached a point in their relationship with their child or society as is the case of the Progressive, that they feel they are either the best qualified to determine what is best for others or why they are so obsessed in doing so. 

If they were truly to analyze themselves as a mature adult would, they would realize that they are nothing more than insecure control freaks who justify their existence by some sick need to control others. They of course justify this by some delusional belief that they are best qualified to make such judgements in the first place. But just as a child must eventually find themselves so too must a society find itself.

This insatiable desire of the Progressive Movement to manage and control every aspect of society is the furthest thing from true progress. Indeed it hearkens back to Feudalism when a controlling elite owned and controlled not only the property but the sweat of the brow of those serfs whose very lives depended on the dictates of a controlling few.

The Progressive stifles growth, ingenuity and thus growth through an unhealthy societal disorder, the obsession to control his fellows. To enslave man with a belief structure that they and they alone know what is best for the rest of us. It is a sick and distorted view of life and a complete misreading of the history of mankind's true evolution.

The truth is that America's Constitutional Republic represents the greatest progress in the evolution of humankind and man's relationship with man in the long history of mankind. It allows man and society to evolve with the least amount of restraint and coerciveness allowing for growth through the one undeniable human trait that burns in the soul of man-freedom. Freedom always leads to Progress and the lack of it always leads to tyranny and repression and this is the undeniable truth about the evolution of man.

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful post! The analogies you have used are great comparisons, and you have made your points clearly.

    There are fewer and fewer of us who haven't been tainted by the revised history lessons, but it's important for the younger generation to understand the lies and misconceptions they have been taught.
