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Indictment: Silence of the Lambs

 George P. Bush, of all people, said it best. When asked whether he would vote for Trump he answered yes "that is all that stands between America and socialism."
Unfortunately for America, many who are opposed to a socialist America are also not capable of reading the tea leaves, of their own nation's demise, their own self indulged destruction. Two generations of self absorbed civic ignorance bred and fostered by an American education system which had as one of it's most influential stars a man named Bill Ayers. These generations seems hell bent on throwing the "last best hope of earth" into history's waste basket.

There is a reason that so many supposedly capitalist companies financially support what we see as the radical left, the BLM and Antifa movements. They support them, to our chagrin, and it isn't out of corporate stupidity. True, in large part, they do it to pander to a younger demographic for profits, but that is because that younger demographic is rising and the silent ones are falling. We have watched as our children have been conditioned to not respect the wisdom of age, but to disdain it. We watched as our children were taught to hate us and what we allegedly believe in. The motto of the so called silent majority ought to be "help, I've fallen and I can't get up." Perhaps befitting our complacency, the person we have chosen to answer our call is an egomaniac named Donald Trump.

 I do not like Trump, though he often surprises and even amuses me, I am not a fan. I have probably spent as much time yelling at him for his petty narcissism in four years as I did at Obama in eight, often for his petty narcissism. If Trump loses this election, which is very possible, I don't know how I'll be able to feel anything but spite and pity for the man. Trump is a man who, when destiny calls, seldom fails to trip over his own ego on his path towards the greatness he so selfishly craves. If he falls it will be because an ounce of humility was too great a burden for him to bare.

That being said, he is all that stands between America and socialism, or worse. Revolutions are never the product of a majority, but rather they are the offspring of a dedicated minority who either overcome, convince or dupe the majority. This is because the majority in all societies are comprised of followers. In today's America we refer to them as a silent majority.

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
Ironically the author of this quote, often mistakenly attributed to Thomas Jefferson, is not known. We can only assume that the author was once a person of good conscience. Perhaps a member of the "silent majority" of his time.

The silent majority is nothing new, the phrase was coined by a failed president, forced to resign in disgrace. Rightly or wrongly but perhaps prophetically, his silent majority could not save him from his own pettiness. I fear this is being repeated but worse, at the ballot box. The problem we face today is that the so called silent majority is far too silent and not nearly as large a majority as they think they are. As I said in the beginning, there are now two generations of American's that have been taught an entirely different history than we were, and it is toxic to what the silent ones believe in.

Put bluntly, the "Greatest" generation is just an untaught history whose influence is diminishing faster than their numbers. What can you say of us Boomers? We are silent and dying off, those that do not pander to the youth we did not even have the courage to teach, now proclaim the ballot box as our savior. At some point, probably in November, the ballot box will break our heart and if we remain true to our nature, we will live out our lives in silent frustration at what could have, should have been.The unfortunate even tragic truth is we have lost our history and when you lose your past you lose your future. We were complacent. We were silent.

My guess is that it really doesn't matter who wins this election, the outcome is going to be the same, it is just a matter of when. Ultimately the United States will be divided. The "when" is a product more of courage than anything else. Which side will be the first to say "enough is enough," and seek out division with or without bloodshed. No, you say? Well, ask yourself a question, could you live in a society governed by an unchecked opposition party based on what we see the left is becoming and demanding be enacted?  Has the left shown any sign that they will accept any politician or policies selected or enacted from the right? There is no middle anymore, there is just the constitution and socialism. 

If Biden wins, then chances are good that the Senate flips to Democrats. If that happens, the filibuster is gone...for everything. Unlike when Obama and the Democrats controlled everything, not only will the Senate be far more progressive than it was then, there will be absolutely no checks on what the congress can pass into law. Those laws will make the progressive laws enacted in the beginning of the twentieth century seem like a haven of republicanism compared to what the new progressive movement would enact. Open borders will be just one of our worries. How about federal financing (control) of the media and the internet? How about election "reform" that would make it impossible for a Republican congress or president...forever. Do you think that Joe Biden is going to stand up to his party on anything, even if he wanted to?

On a more basic level, I am from Portland, Oregon, it is a beautiful city in a beautiful state, but I no longer consider it a part of the United States. It is a foreign country to me where what they believe is not what I believe, at least as represented by their chosen leadership and policies. The leadership and policies of such places are anathema to everything I believe. Yet my so called fellow citizens vote them in year after year, how do two such opposing viewpoints coexist? Lincoln famously declared that a house divided against itself cannot stand, and history proved him correct. It is not just that I could not live in a nation ruled by the Wheeler's, DeBlassio's and Sanders, their followers obviously cannot live in an America governed by a Trump or even a George W. Bush. In short the modern left cannot live in a nation that adheres to constitutional precepts and I cannot live in a nation that is bent on overturning them. In a marriage there is a term for this, it is called irreconcilable differences. 

 For a time I believed that the socialist left would ultimately be "put in place" by the merely liberal left, but that time has passed the nation by. The confluence of events has led to where what remains of what was once referred to as the moderate Democrats, have had to submit to the socialist left in order to maintain their political power. Now they will either be eaten alive or just continue to die off, ceding the playing field to their radical offspring. They too, the so called moderate left, like the so called conservative right are part of that once powerful silent majority whose silence was in fact denial. Denial that we were willing to let the nation crumble rather than truly fight for what it stood for. Fight for, by simply teaching our children the truth of what America was, instead of complacently letting the Bill Ayers education system rob them of their inheritance. The inheritance of freedom.

 “But I was like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter; And I did not know that they had devised plots against me, saying, “Let us destroy the tree with its fruit, And let us cut him off from the land of the living, That his name be remembered no more”  


  1. Jer. This is very powerful.
    It is a must read!

  2. Can you afford to place this in a newspaper editorial or something?
