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Run Away Train

Via- Jer

"The truth is, there was a misreading of just how bad an economy we inherited,"

That is the line out of the White House as articulated by the VP Joe Biden today in Iraq of all places. Obama has made the assertion as well and it is how the Administration justify the fact that unemployment has gone beyond their projections. They are now saying that unemployment will exceed 10% which is at best optimistic. Here is the initial projections the Obama Administration used to sell their 800 billion dollar stimulus to Congress and the American people compared to the current situation.

As you can see they are not to good with numbers. The idea that they underestimated the condition of the economy at the time they made the projections is of course nonsense. How could it have been any worse than the hyperbole that Obama and his minions used to shove the stimulus package through. For example on February 10 Obama pushed his plan by stating:

" We're in an economic crisis as deep and as dire as any since the Great Depression, and without quick action our nation will sink into a crisis that at some point we may be unable to reverse."

So they are now saying the economy was worse than that? Ridiculous. The truth as anyone with common sense knows is that the stimulus package shoved through congress at a time of "crisis" was primarily intended to reward Democratic special interest, promote certain social agendas and basically a gift to themselves for owning the federal government.

They have continued to reward themselves at the taxpayer's, the taxpayer's children's, the taxpayer's grand children's and generations beyond expense. As bad as the Republicans were at fiscal responsibility our new rulers have taken it to an entire new level;

How anyone can look at that graph and continue to use the straw man argument that nobody can criticize their recklessness because the Republicans were bad boys too, is childish. First off no money gets spent by the United States Government unless the congress first allocates it -period. So those deficits prior to Obama though bad are still the responsibility of the party in power at the time they were spent. Democrats have controlled congress since 2006.

Putting that aside, to say the budget deficits pre Obama justify the current budget deficits is like saying shop lifting justifies genocide. Those budget deficits and some of the most anti-business, anti-free market, anti-American policies ever enacted in the 233 year history of America is what is killing job growth and stagnating the economy.

We now have a country that is afraid of their government, where the small businesses have no security in what they can do for fear of what will be mandated on them from Washington. A country where giant corporations are either being swallowed up by big Government or jumping into bed with it to stave off repressive regulations and authoritarian thuggish manipulation.

Several gigantic entities in society are headed towards a merger that is deeply troubling I daresay frightening to those who believe in individual freedom and liberty. Big Science, Big Business, Big Labor, and of course Big Government are coming together in a way I can not recall in my study of history. To make matters worse, there really is no media watch dog to hold them in check.

I suggest that everyone who loves this country and the freedoms we hold dear get involved at the local level to oppose this run away train while we can still protect our liberty-peacefully. Since you will not see it in the media click here to see a small sampling that shows a Revolution is well on its way and know you are not alone.
