Tip Jar


Part One: Are We Still.....

.......One Nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all ?

Interesting question really. Considering that God is being expunged from the public discourse where once God was believed to be the guiding force of the American experience.

So much of our history, traditions and the very fabric of our society has been torn asunder by those of my generation who have a myopic view of their own country while demanding absolution for the tyranny and evils of others.

I have never been opposed to a more unified world, I believe in the ultimate global community. I believe that this is not only the best thing for mankind and our planet it is an evolutionary certainty. As mankind evolves as a species and our technologies progress the idea of a world community is inevitable and necessary.

However globalization for the sake of globalization is not only a foolish policy, in the end it will be self-defeating. Whenever you attempt to create an organization based upon the lowest common denominator the results, are always destructive. The reason is simple those who are more advanced , more intelligent, more ambitious, stronger, etc. will eventually rebel against the constraints put on them by the less advanced, less intelligent, less ambitious and weaker who attempt to chain them to that which they know to be a less fulfilling life. This may be a political incorrect analysis but the truth nonetheless, the stifling of natural ambition is an affront to the human spirit and a destructive agenda whenever and wherever it has been attempted.

As someone recently observed on the stupidity of political correct youth sports, "Guess what the kids are still keeping score." Well the winners are still keeping score whether they win the game or not. You either keep score and become motivated towards improvement or you give up and envy the winners.

Those who do not see or more importantly are not taught that life is about overcoming challenges embrace the theology of political correctness. They are those who through a childish outlook set even more rules to restrict the achievers in society in order to make life “fair”. Either out a sense of righteousness or out of an envy that only those of low self esteem can poses as they cover their bereft schemes with the cloak of the elitism.

What does one world government and youth sports have to do with the Pledge of Allegiance? Quite a bit actually, the idea that we Americans and our form of governance is somehow on the same playing field with the likes of Kim LL Jung or even Saudi Arabia where women can be punished for simply conversing with a male, or Iran where Gays are openly hung for their sexuality is not only a repugnant moral equivalency it is in the end destructive.

Consider the out dated philosophy that women must be in total subservience to men to the point that a violation of this strict code can mean an acid washing of the offenders face. Compare this archaic belief structure to the ideal that all men/women are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. It is true that equality of the sexes is a recent development in the United States as in the rest of the Western World, but this advancement in our culture is directly tied to the political structure embedded in our founding documents and our form of governance. That republican form of governance not only insured the ultimate end of slavery and the women's suffrage movement, by the very nature of it's principles it predetermined that outcome. So long as the United States holds fast to its principles nothing but an evolution of liberties can spring forth.

Where is the suffrage movement in Saudi Arabia? Or the Gay rights dialogue in Iran? There are no such movements and as long as they continue to be ruled by their current forms of government, there never will be. The government must change in order that the cultural evolution can take place and only a government based on individual liberty can foster such change.

Where is the compromise between ideological beliefs when one is based upon oppression and the other upon individual liberty? There really isn’t any. Other than a total acceptance that cultures and beliefs are different and we must just avoid cultural contact.

But we cannot really do that now can we? We live in a global society with a global economy and we ,now more than ever, are destined to confront our differences. Do we confront these differences by promoting what we believe is imoral and oppressive while condemning that which we know to be true and just? Deluding our principles in order to be liked by governments whom are more corrupt and oppressive than we would ever tolerate for ourselves?

Like political correctness in the youth sports arena we must recognize that there are certain truths. Just as there will always be winners and losers on the playing field whether we keep score or not, there will always be superior forms of government whether we recognize it or ignore it. When however we “dumb down” the more enlightened and superior to accommodate the backward and the inferior all that we accomplish is allowing weak outdated philosophies to sap human progress. This does not mean we need necessarily confront with force or ridicule less enlightened forms of governments but it most certainly means we should never dilute our own strengths to accommodate an inferior and outdated set of beliefs and policies.

Which brings us back to: Are we still, One Nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all ? Not if a significant portion of our population and an even larger percentage of our elected officials and un-elected bureaucracy believe that some form of global governance is more important than the very principles which have allowed the United States to evolve into a superior society. We are not superior as indviduals from any other peoples in the world, we are just blessed with a superior form of government and we best stop messing with it. We live in a a free society based upon individual human achievement contributing to the advancement of all through the unfettered unalienable rights of all.

If we continue to delude ourselves in the belief that somehow there is a compromise between the freedom of our form of government based upon individual liberty and the varying degrees of individual servitude served up as being somehow superior or acceptable substitutes, we will find ourselves as the laughingstock of history. A great nation that sold itself to lower bidders.

We are divided between those who hold true to a belief in the dignity and positive progress of mankind and those who believe that if only we would compromise a bit of our individual liberty for a “greater good” life would be better for all. Life can never be better for all when in order to make it so you must diminish the opportunities and freedoms of all. It is as insane as attempting to spend your way out of debt.

“The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased.”

- Alexander Hamilton

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