Tip Jar


Just a Thought

I think one of the mistakes that was made in the past couple of years was the Tea Party Movement going pretty much underground. I very much do believe that they did need to morph into a political activist movement, but I believe they should keep up the visible demonstrations which was the initial catalyst for the enthusiasm.

I believe besides keeping the movement energized it would keep its message before the public, drawing in more "sideline" type individuals. By abandoning the streets it was easy for the media/the left to marginalize its importance with the general public and to create a narrative of what the TPM is. Out in public people are able to see who we are and that we are not the racist etc that we are portrayed to be. While doing the work that needs to be done for elections is important and critical, public exposure and putting a real face to what we are is too. The Tea Party movement allowed the media to define and portray us and then we went silent as if in hiding. I think this was a mistake.



  1. is it even possible that over 2 million republican votes could have been deleted/changed/erased?

    ...there's a small part of me that says something was screwy here

  2. I don't know Lat but I have that same feeling. It would have to be done in individual counties so that makes it less likely. There was You Tube video around about a computer programmer who testified that he had developed a program that could rig the results at election offices without being detectable. It would basically just "make" the votes come out to whatever was pre-determined without anyone, even the election official recognizing it. I have to get to work but I'm certainly you could find it if you looked.

    The way you would do it though would be to install it in large counties where Democrats traditionally win so that it would not look as noticeable for the percentages of Republicans to be down. You do that in several large strategic counties in key states and in a close race it could shift things enough to change an election. I doubt this happened but the lack of Republican turn out is very disturbing regardless.


  3. Lat, it seems screwy to me, too.

    Jer, good point about the TPM. Our local group folded when the founder moved away. I don't hear people talk about the Tea Party, and even the conservative articles don't seem to refer to it much.

    On Labor Day, I put out an empty chair and a flag. Within a few hours, there were several empty chairs out by the road - not displays, and no signs, just a bunch of lawn chairs and kitchen chairs! So we know that there are TPM people out there.

  4. I have a few thoughts about the Tea Party and "visibility.
    1. Yes we need to get back out there in the public eye as well as the internal things that are being done.

    2. We Conservatives,need to be more visible to our elected officials. Precisely Speaker of the House. Speaker Bonehead is out there making statements like(Obama won the election,and ObamaCare is the law of the land).

    You in "The Peoples house" also won election. And you Mr Speaker were elected on Conservative agendas. We elected you to do what you can in an equal and separate House of the people. So do your Job Mr Boehner. You have many tools at to work with.

    Would Nancy Pelosi say that some things passed by President Bush were the law of the land?
    Or would she do everything in her power to do what her constituents elected her to do?

    So we need to get in their face just like Obama.
    And the word "their" also includes our House Majority!
    This is no time to shrink and capitulate.
    Do your job like you were elected to do!

  5. Remind you. Just because a popularity contest was won. Doesnt mean that you suddenly compromise on sound, just, Constitutional principals. You continue to further your principals. Now there can be ways to better educate the populace of the superiority of your Ideals. There are more places and populations that should be courted. But you dont court voters by being your antithesis.

    Is a company called Burger Prince going to cut into burger KINGS patronage?

  6. Good comment, spathy. I hadn't thought of that. I'm so mired in misery that I haven't gotten mad yet!

  7. I understand Number. I really do.
    I went through the Capitulation,I give,Cry uncle phase.
    I thought about just giving in and going on the dolls.
    I could easily quit work. Declare bankruptcy and every Gov program would very easily be available to me.

    I have done the math.
    I could get a 60% increase in income.

    And then I thought about more than myself. I thought about America.
    I thought about things like my core beliefs and principals. Does a loss diminish the validity of my core principals?

    Absolutely NO!
    So what is my only option?
    I keep up the cause and I make sure that my elected officials remember why they were elected.
    My officials that ran on my ideals are there to do everything they promised.

    This is not a fraternity! This is not a social club!
    This is a Gov set up to be divided!
    This is a gov made up of people that were elected by their local constituents!
    The President is not the supreme ruler!
    And by golly if I elected the house reps and they hold a majority,than they have a sound duty to do what they were elected to do!
    There is no other option!
    And if we the people dont constantly remind them of that with phone calls etc... Than we deserve the lame capitulating weasels resulting compromise legislation.

    WE the electorate are the master!

    Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    Can you start a phone call/tweet/email/letter writing/etc link on here?
    Something like Jers Notes that is a specific place that is a section of the blog? Like a link on the top of the blog. A link to your reps that contain contact info and any pressing items that need be addressed?

  8. I'm not sure what you mean Spathy, Do you want as separate page for contacts? I can or if you wish I can set up a new blog with a link that anyone who "joins" can utilize and post to. Let me know what you're thinking, and I'll try to accomadate


  9. Jer.
    Thanks for responding.
    What I was thinking about was a link like Jers Notes,Art I like,Election info. The stuff you have at the top of the page. Links/sections? I dont know the computer lingo.

    Possibly their could be two such links. One that is contact your local and national reps. The other legislative and agenda reasons to contact your elected officials.
    My thinking is that apparently half of the countrys voters are beyond help. But we still have elected officials that still truly fear an up-rise of informed vocal active voters.
    Its very difficult for me to find State and Fed schedules for legislative agendas/calender /up for discussion/vote in the coming weeks.
    By the time I figure it out the discussion and vote has passed. And then I cant find where my links are to contact my reps after the fact.

    Does that make any sense?

    1. I think the best way to do that is with a resource page. A sort of one click place where you can find contact information etc. I'll see if I can start putting one together.

  10. The fool on the hill Obama version

  11. I think if you highlight R click and chose open in new tab the above should work. Its funny,I had been thinking about that song and how it could be adapted. And here it is. Sick minds like mine I guess.

  12. The other song in my head about Obama is Billy Joels Honesty. I am sure you can find it. Just for fun,you should. The song has new meaning in this time.

  13. Thanks Jer.
    A resource page and or a heads up... This is the legislative calender for the coming weeks.

    I mean what else can we do? Reconstructing our schools and putting the nail in the left stream media are down the road results. No less important but not now influence.
