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Notable Quotes

"In recent years a pattern of legislative and judicial actions has emerged in our country that undermines religious liberty and jeopardizes the contributions of religious bodies in the public realm. Government policies that seek to impose morally repugnant services on religiously affiliated medical providers, or to limit the freedom of religion to the private realm or to places of worship, or to reduce religious liberty to just another subset of freedom of speech and association, get it backwards; under the Constitution, it is government power that is limited and subject to regulation, not the conscience rights of Americans – whether acting singly, or in organized communities, or through their institutions."

Pennsylvania Catholic Bishops

1 comment:

  1. I'm sick and tired of the dems saying the repubs are "suppressing the minority vote"...

    If that's true...then the dems are suppressing the minorities right to Obamacare and health care...

    ...you need a valid ID to get Obamacare
