A narrative is a story, it can be true or not. The narrative of man made global warming was, as the lawyers might say, based on facts not yet in evidence. The creation of evidence of global warming has been one of the greatest scams and injustices in world history. Like all good fiction the story of man made global warming was based on a truth. This being that extra CO2 introduced into the atmosphere by industrialization causes the Earth to warm. That, with many caveats is true which few serious people deny.
Where the theory transformed into a narrative is when proponents of "catastrophic" global warming began to seek out and embellish reality. This was done for political reasons in order to make the "problem" worse than it ever truly was, is, or ever will be.
The process of selling the narrative is not unlike the Chinese water torture, "a process in which water is slowly dripped onto a person's forehead, allegedly driving the restrained victim insane." Over the previous three decades, scientists, politicians, and media with vested interest or agendas have dripped countless unproven assertions upon a trusting society. In doing so they have pushed a belief in something which is not only unproven but impossible.
The narrative has become the foundation for the theory rather than the evidence.
This is accomplished by introducing a scientific study showing an extreme or possible extreme result of global warming. This narrative will take hold and be widely publicized until it becomes accepted by the public and policy makers. Later studies often disagree or even disprove the original hyped study but by then the premise of the original study has become the "mainstream" and accepted into the narrative.
This process is repeated over and over again until most people are convinced that with so much science being promoted there must be something there. A narrative that constantly grows through the constant repetition of the falsehoods. All of this is amplified by agenda driven media and politicians.
The scientific treachery that underpins all of this is that most of the "studies" and "science" are based not on reality but on modelling of a future climate. These dire predictions which garner so much attention, that frighten generations of children, and a reordering of of societal policies are not based on the known but rather on a computer generated make believe future world. Models that are not only suspect, but incapable of forecasting a future as complex as Earth's climate. The known unkowns in the climate system in themselves make the idea of modeling the future climate impossible and the idea that minute amounts of carbon dioxide could so greatly effect the climate is simply put impossible.
Yet here we are.
Now we have reached the point that this farce has gone on so long that two dynamics are coming into conflict. The first is that the climate change propaganda has been so unrelenting for so long that it is accepted to some degree by most of society. However this comes into conflict with the fact that it, the theory, has been around long enough now to see that many of those predictions fail and continue to fail as time passes.
The solution? It is simple for the purveyors of climate Armageddon just ignore the failed projections and for the most part just ignore further scientific enquiry and just press on with societal changes as if their "theory" were reality, and sadly everyone plays along.
There is, of course, a price to pay when a lie becomes perceived reality on a global scale. The idea that carbon dioxide, the building block for life, is humankind's enemy rather than our friend is not only a staggering deception it is has had multi generational consequences for our species.
As bad as the entire façade of the climate change era has been, the consequences are worse. Once the scheme worked to indoctrinate and ensnare society, a blueprint was established. That blueprint is now being used to control society and rob us of our freedoms. Continuing to promote vaccines that don't really vaccine is just the new version of promoting global warming when the globe doesn't really warm. Claiming that deaths caused by vaccines are the result of the virus that the vaccine doesn't prevent is no different than claiming hurricanes are the result of a warming world that isn't.
And the drip, drip, drip of false science distorts and robs the future by deceiving the present.
"...for he is a liar and the father of lies."
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