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No More Entitlements


Scott W. Atlas,

Americans have the right to control their own medical care without government interference.

The great irony in the Obama administration's latest expansion of entitlements, its massive commitment to health care, is that it has created one that most Americans don't want. Poll after poll demonstrate that most Americans oppose the Democrats' radical change to the U.S. health care system. Not only do they find it too expensive, but they dislike the specific adjustments that shift power and control away from the individual and place them in the hands of the federal government.

The plan radically changes health care in the U.S., imposing the federal government into perhaps the most personal of all segments of American life. Americans will be forced to buy insurance they may not want or value; businesses will be fined unless they acquiesce to government dictates about the composition, structure and breadth of health insurance benefits; coverage must be certified as acceptable by government, not by the individuals and their families who receive the insurance; private insurance companies will be forced to price their products according to government fiat, rather than market forces; and doctors will be compelled to accept lower prices for medical care based solely on what bureaucrats determine to be appropriate.

This irrational expansion of an entitlement health insurance program--one that is already failing and widely acknowledged as financially unsustainable--will also conjure up massive tax increases, including taxes on insurance itself.

It could have been done without jeopardizing the superior medical care Americans receive right now. After all, the vast majority of Americans already report being very satisfied with their health care system--a higher number than in Canada. Americans have better access to important new medical technologies and preventive cancer screening, better survival from cancer and other serious diseases, earlier availability of new life-saving medications and faster access to subspecialty trained doctors. The would-be reformers could have built on this record with important changes like breaking down anticompetitive barriers, reducing administrative waste, eliminating mandate-created distortions of the health insurance market, and reasonable reforms to a medico-legal liability system run amok.

Such genuine reforms would have brought down the cost of insurance, reduced the uninsured, increased individual choice and allowed Americans to make value-based decisions for their families. They would have left Americans free to keep their health insurance, maintain their chosen doctor and manage their family's pursuit of medical care without government control.

Instead, many Americans will certainly lose their current insurance and thus their access to their chosen doctors. Doctors, too, will be swept up in the coming conflict. While government arrogantly assumes that doctors will swallow government-dictated low reimbursements, surely more and more physicians will refuse to see patients under such health plans. Even so, I have no doubt that the new Big Brother policies will force doctors to accept whatever the federal bureaucrats choose to pay, just as they have in Massachusetts, where medical licensure is becoming tied to accepting the state insurance plan.

All who value control of their own health decisions, access to highly trained subspecialty doctors of their own choosing, continued innovation in new diagnostic methods and safer, more effective treatments must recognize what they are about to lose. Government can be a piece of the health care puzzle by fostering competition and more choices, better care, higher quality, and cost based on value. But there should be no confusion about the "rights" of Americans with regard to health care--it isn't about having the right to health care as defined by the federal government; instead, individuals have the right to direct their own medical care without the intrusion of government bureaucrats. The long standing sacred social contract of medical decisions for that care must remain between a patient and his doctor.

Scott W. Atlas, M.D., is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and a member of Hoover's Working Group on Health Care Policy. He is also professor of radiology and chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical School.


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