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Pyramid Schemes

As a carpenter and a builder I am very much aware of the significant role that structure plays in nearly everything in life. A strong structure in anything whether it be a building, a relationship or a government is the key to both stability and longevity.

The reason I know that the republican form of government that our founders developed was and is the best form of government ever devised is the structure they created was stable and sound.

I will not go on about the beauty of our Constitution with its checks and balances, the clearly defined duties and limits of the Federal government in our society. All these things are well described and explained by far better and more knowledgeable people than I. I know our system is good at a far simpler level, the basic structure of our system, as it was designed, is both simple and easily understood. As Einstein reminded us "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler."

This simple basic foundation of our republican form of government can best be shown with perhaps the most stable structure ever devised, the pyramid:

Consider the above pyramid as our nation. The top level being the Federal Government and working our way down we have our State government, then our county government then our local government and at the very bottom (the dark blue) would be WE THE PEOPLE.

With our competitive way of looking at things, we might think that the Federal Government is on top so they are in charge. But that is not what the pyramid represents from a structural standpoint. In fact from a structural standpoint the Federal government is not only the least important element to the overall structure, it is the smallest element in society.

It carries the least weight and as the founders envisioned it, it would have the least impact on WE THE PEOPLE'S lives. But the true importance of this pyramid is that it was always envisioned and for most of our history understood that WE THE PEOPLE would be the foundation upon which the government was based.

This structure would accomplish many things. It certainly would be the strongest because our government would be supported on the largest possible base. The people are the foundation of our system and the source of our strength. WE THE PEOPLE are the rock upon which the American building was built. It was believed and history has shown that when WE THE PEOPLE are responsible for our lives, saddled with the least amount of interference possible then we will seek out and achieve our own security. The old Life, Lived in Liberty will find Happiness thingy.

Another beauty of this structure is that it would also allow citizens to determine the most influential governance in their lives closest to them. The further away the government the less influence the government would have upon the individual. This allows the individual to have the most influence over those who are elected to serve them. A neighbor is not only more likely to know the needs of a community he or she is less likely to be corrupted by special interest and the special interest that there are will be closer to the community thus more reflective of the communities interest.

At an ever accelerating pace over the last century we have moved away from this very productive and soundly structured form of governance in America . Progressively and incrementally we have evolved into what is known as a top-down or command and control form of government. But this is an oxymoron of the actual structure we are developing. From a structural standpoint here is what we are building:

All the pieces are the same and in proportion to their true importance in society, but we have flipped the structure over. As the Federal government has taken on more power, as governments by their very nature are destined to do, the federal government has become the foundation for our American society.

The "flip" which we have been teetering on for decades occurred without question and undeniably with the passage of Obamacare. It did so because of the progressively more power and influence it will give to the Federal government over every aspect of an Americans life in the years to come. It "flipped" when in total defiance of the will of a majority of Americans on something so deeply personal and important the Federal government seized control of highly personal choices and with utter contempt and arrogance said "We know what is best for you".

The more power that the federal government seizes from the other levels of the American structure, the more they attempt to become the foundation of the American system, the more unstable the structure becomes.

Imagine this new pyramid with it's new foundation perched precariously on the precipice of growing regulations and taxation as the other tiers begin to shift. Even if they are shifting only in an attempt to adjust to this new unstable reality. Obviously the structure will begin to wobble. The more the other tiers shift, the more the federal government will have to grab ever more power in a futile attempt to strengthen their foundation. A foundation which can never be either as stable or as strong as a free WE THE PEOPLE foundation.

This is why it is imperative that we "flip" it back, because if we don't, as sure as a slight breeze will topple an upside down pyramid, the American structure will eventually topple if left in this precarious position

The reason that our Founding Fathers developed the first pyramid was because they recognized for nearly all of human history, kings and emperors had ruled using power over people as their foundation. But once man(kind) had evolved to the point where they realized that the so called top-down method was just a scheme to enslave men to feed other men's power and greed, they rebelled. Nothing has changed.

The foundation being built by our new potentates is no more stable than the one that mankind suffered under for all of recorded history, it is just being fed to the naive, with the sugar coated hope that this time it will be different. It will not be different, because it is built on a weak, unstable foundation nailed together with sweet promises which are made of clay instead of the hardened steel of truth.

The truth is that there is no free lunch, or health care for that matter, what there is, left in this transformed state, is an accelerating decent into statist bondage. Unless of course WE THE PEOPLE insist once again that we are the foundation of our own lives and the foundation of our nation.


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