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Obama's Backwardness

Via-American Thinker

By Greg Reese

Barack Obama is leading our nation backwards into chaos parallel to the early years of 20th-century Russia. In the early 20th century, Bolshevik revolutionaries led by Vladimir Lenin pieced together a bureaucratic authority that quickly developed into a totalitarian government.

Barack Obama is laying the foundation step by step for a superstructure not unlike the apparatus by which the Soviet Union functioned. The bureaucratization of America is an attack on capitalism, the free market, the private sector, and ultimately private property ownership.

Obama, like Lenin, imposed government on the people and will systematically dismantle personal freedom. As more and more of the private sector is regulated and controlled by big government, all categories of society will fall under the umbrella of one central authority.

Lenin imposed upon Russia a Decree on the Suppression of Hostile Newspapers justifying a series of measures to stop all of the press that spoke out against the revolution.

Obama, once inaugurated into office, commenced a campaign to silence opposition opinion. White House staff and the president singled out private citizens, groups, and news agencies as illegitimate.

Vladimir Lenin, in establishing the young USSR, assigned a Control Commission to oversee the government departments for the sake of imposing authority and policing rumors or insinuations that are critical of the party.

Parallel to Lenin's actions, Obama categorically assigned czars throughout the many departments of government. Many of these czars wield managing power and are not bound by constitutional checks and balances or congressional oversight.

Obama is replacing every facet of our society with bureaucracy. Once our system of private sector and individual freedom is subverted, then we will find ourselves dominated by a dictating government from of which we cannot break free.

Marxism did not collapse with the fall of the USSR. Obama shares the same philosophical dream as Vladimir Lenin. Marxism is the faith and religion of the ultra-left. Barack Obama is an evangelical Marxist. The American people have not recognized Obama's Marxism because Marxism has changed its vocabulary.

In his trademark chameleon-speak, Obama deliberately articulates his language, delivering rhetoric open to interpretation -- he speaks in code.

In the late 1800s and early 1900s it was very fashionable to be a Marxist, and no one dared critique Karl Marx, while in 2008-2009 it is cool to vote for Barack Obama and politically incorrect and unpopular to criticize him.

Lenin studied revolutionary Chernyshevsky, while Obama studied socialist-activist Saul Alinsky. Lenin was a collective agitator, while Obama was a community organizer. Lenin, like Obama, believed the public is no more than an instrument of the party, and both emphasize the importance of seizing power and getting things done, whatever the cost.

Obama is setting up the network and laying a foundation for egregious misuse of power. Obama is laying the foundation for dictatorship. He is deliberately bypassing checks and balances, using exclusive executive order to govern.

When the government becomes one central authority, it becomes vulnerable to dictatorship. The American people have already witnessed the intolerant traits of the president. All it takes to misuse power is a ruthless, selfish personality.

Obama, like Vladimir Lenin, has waged his war against capitalism. It is wrong-minded, blaming capitalism as the cause of corruption. It is not Wall Street, big banks, big oil, or the free market that causes corruption. It is men who choose to be selfish. Corruption comes from sin and the evil nature of men.

Barack Obama does not recognize sin or evil -- only government systems. This is why Obama is wrong-minded. He is unable to recognize his own tunnel-vision. Although he preaches "change," he himself is unable to change and unable to recognize that he does not care about people. His fixation on government systems is ultimately heartless.

Government bureaucracy is lifeless and insensitive and will lead only to mass confusion, abuse, dependency, and atheism. There can be no idyllic utopia -- Obama and his ideological kind long for a false reality, and they are prisoners to an intolerant, one-sided, materialistic view of life. Obama cannot bring progress because his thinking is old and fatally rigid.

It is not time to fall prey to lies and deception of the 20th-century past. America is drifting and losing its identity and origin. We must return to our roots -- to God and country.

America is exceptional because it is a nation founded like no other nation -- on the idea of individual freedom and a limited government.

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