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Pawlenty for President?

I like Pawlenty. He would make a very good President I believe. He and Mitch Daniels have similar personalities and resumes. I believe the Republicans are going to have a load of good candidates to take on Obama.

Via-Power Line

Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty is a contender for the 2012 GOP Presidential nomination. No secret there; he's been spending time in both New Hampshire and Iowa. Pawlenty is, in my view, a serious competitor for the nomination. He has compiled a remarkable record of fiscal restraint in a blue state, despite battling a Democratic legislature on a daily basis. You could see him as a thinner Chris Christie. He is smart, competent and disciplined.

Pawlenty is often described as likable, and it's true. That comes through in this video of his visit to the Stafford County (Dover) New Hampshire Republican Picnic, which took place this weekend. Tim is one of the best story-tellers in modern politics, a formidable talent, I think. You also see his wife Mary, without doubt his closest adviser and confidante. Mary Pawlenty is a former judge who is regarded by everyone, as far as I can tell, as a thoroughly delightful, and thoroughly conservative, woman. Check out this video; I think you will get a sense of what an appealing candidate Pawlenty can be:

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