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Animal Farm 2.0

by Monica Crowley

First, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg stepped in it over the proposed Ground Zero mosque by sanctimoniously declaring his support for freedom of religion. That was a real profile in courage, since he knew very well the issue had nothing whatsoever to do with freedom of religion. No one was telling the mosque developers that they couldn’t build the mosque. We were asking politely for them not to build it where jihadists incinerated nearly 3000 Americans on September 11—in the name of Islam. That point was clearly lost on the Mayor, who was lost in his own arrogance, ignorance, and foolishness.

Then, President Obama stepped in it, by first being for the mosque before he was against it, while being for it the whole time. Instead of providing clarity and calm, he muddied and inflamed the issue. Heckuva job, Barry!

Next, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid stepped in it, by breaking from Obama’s support of the mosque and stating that it should be built “somewhere else.” This led the Far-Left to call him a coward and other epithets while sparking a major division in the Democrat party.

And last (at least for now), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stepped in it by calling for an investigation into the 70% of Americans who oppose the mosque being built at Ground Zero. “I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded,” she told KCBS radio.

A few questions for Dear Speaker:

1. Whom, exactly, is calling for an investigation into mosque opponents? I haven’t heard anyone seriously suggest that, except for Pelosi right there.
2. Would these dark forces driving the opposition to the mosque be the same evil forces that began the Tea Party movement, which Pelosi so hilariously referred to as “Astroturf?”

3. Note that she wants to investigate how the opposition is being funded but is apparently unconcerned with how the actual mosque is being funded.

Meet your leaders, America.

With the exception of Reid (who only made his opposition clear because he’s locked in a tight race with Sharron Angle), these people are completely disconnected from the American people they lead. Nearly 70% of us want this mosque placed somewhere else out of respect for the souls who were murdered there by Islamists. And yet, our “leaders” think it’s a swell idea, are passionately defending it when they rarely get passionate about anything else, and are looking to investigate us for having an opposing point of view. The opposition to the mosque isn’t coming out of some dark, shadowy conspiracy. It’s the majority opinion. This is so typical of the elites — they simply cannot understand middle America and how we think. The minority in the leadership is now exerting a tyranny of power and opinion over the majority.

This is Obama’s America. It’s Animal Farm, isn’t it?

And it ends in November.

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