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"Notable Quotes"

To Whom It May Concern,

Soldiers, like congressman, swear to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. This is not a suggestion nor is it open to individual interpretation or is it to be enforced only when it is agreed with.

There is no selectivity in that oath. We do not have the luxury of choosing which parts of that cherished document we choose to uphold or to ignore for our own convenience or political expediency. There is no compromise to facilitate an agenda.

As one of the custodians of our Nation’s highest military award, I am honor bound to protect and defend as well as uphold and follow the provisions of the Constitution. This sacred duty is shared by all servicemen and women as well as our congressmen and senators. It is tragic that any one of them needs to be reminded of their duty. I believe that every citizen of this country expects every elected official to execute their sworn duty to “protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

As we now find ourselves worrying through some difficult times, it becomes even more important that we cleave to this inspired, sacred document created by our founding fathers as a legacy and the fundamental road map for our Country. The Constitution is the bedrock document of this Nation. No man sworn to uphold and defend it, under any circumstances, can ever say it doesn’t matter. Too many men have made the ultimate sacrifice to now denigrate the importance of our Constitution.

I believe that Bobby Schilling is committed to America. I believe that the Constitution does matter to Bobby Schilling and that he will protect and defend the Constitution of these United States.
With respect to all,
John F. Baker Jr. — Medal of Honor — U.S. Army (Ret.)

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