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People you don't know....

and why you don't know them.

Do you know who this woman is? She immigrated to the United States from Trinidad and Tobago as a child and after high school graduation joined the US Navy where she was an Aviation Machinist Mate (Jet Mechanic). She was selected for Enlisted Commissioning Program, becoming an Aviation Maintenance Officer in 1985. She retired from the Navy in 1999 as a Lieutenant Commander. During her Military career she received the following awards- Meritorious Service Medal; two Navy Commendation Medals; two Navy Achievement Medals; National Defense Service Medal; Overseas Ribbon; two Coast Guard Special Operation Ribbons; Expert Pistol

While serving in the Navy she received three degrees Including a BA in political Science from New Mexico State and a Master of Business Administration degree from St. Leo University. She is a life long member of both the NAACP and the NRA. She has three children including one who was drafted and now plays for the Miami Dolphins.

That in itself is a fairly impressive resume and one that should be held up as a roll model for not only women but African Americans. But her life's story is even more compelling, yet few outside of her home state have ever heard of her. Why?

She is Jennifer Carroll and beyond the accomplishments above she was:

Elected to the Florida House May 13, 2003, reelected subsequently
First Black Female Republican elected to the Florida Legislature

Appointed Deputy Majority Leader by Speaker Johnnie Byrd 2003-2004

Majority Whip 2004-2006

Appointed by President George W. Bush to "The White House Presidential Scholars Commission" 2001-2004

Appointed by President George W. Bush to the Veterans' Disability Benefits Commission, 2004-2007

This is just a small sampling of her awards and accomplishments since retiring form the Navy....but there is more.

Jennifer Carroll is the highest elected woman and the highest elected African American in Florida history and on January 4, 2011 she will be sworn in as Florida's Lieutenant Governor.

As Paul Harvey would say....

Now you know the rest of the story.

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