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Laying the groundwork for the truth

Via-Jer's Notes

In a building project much of the work is eventually covered over, it's called groundwork. Pipes and electrical lines are run, culverts and storm drains are installed to direct water, even the footers which a foundation of a building rest upon are all part of groundwork. It is obviously not glamorous work but it is all very necessary to a building project.

Our dinosaur media is beginning to do it's groundwork in order that it may, before election day, actually report the truth. Not that they are actually concerned with the truth, if they were they wold not now have to partake in this groundwork charade. But they are interested in their reputation or at least continuing a narrative that they actually have credibility, so they must begin the process of shoring it up.

For the past several,...well actually forever, the media along with it various leftist cohorts, academics. and in this particular instance various pollsters,  have fed the airwaves, the bloggosphere and print with their false narratives disguised as news reporting on the election. Now that we are nearing the moment of truth, election day, they must hastily begin to lay the groundwork for what even their vast resources of bunk can no longer hide, Obama is going to lose.

For this reason the reporting and the polls will become more "objective" and the excuses will fly. You can already see it happening. Yesterday Nate Silver the "highly respected" wonder kid of  polling wizardry who still has Obama's chance at re-election at 67.9%  has a column which  asks "After Romney Gains, Should Obama Concede Florida?"  Which begs the question if Obama raised $181 million last month and has over a two in three chance of winning reelection why should he concede any state, less alone one as big and important as Florida? Of course the wonder kid spends much verbiage explaining why he should, but what he is really saying is "circle the wagons Barack". But he is also laying the groundwork for beginning to tell the truth.

Another bastion of narrative building is also beginning to dig a moat around its castle, an ancient form of groundwork, NBC is now declaring that the Presidential race is tied. (details at 6:30 PM Eastern Time) Just last week while narrative building was the primary focus of NBC, Obama was leading Romney in the critical swing states of Iowa by 8% and in Wisconsin by 6%. So we are to believe that two so called "battleground" states are going strong for Obama yet the race is now tied nationally? They are called battleground states for a reason.

These are just two of several very recent examples of how the media, after months of trying to sway the election to Obama, is now being forced to lay the groundwork for the truth of what is to come, a Romney victory. In the next two weeks, really gaining speed next weekend we will begin to see a flood of polls and media stories on how the race is shifting to Romney. It has been subtle until now since the sycophants in the media have and will to some degree continue to try to swing the election to Obama, but in the coming two weeks the shovels will be out in order to lay the groundwork for their credibility, post election. "You see we saw it coming all along."

If it is a landslide for Romney, which I still think has a 58.736% chance with a 95.34% probability scale, then they will look like fools regardless, but we knew that already , didn't we.


  1. the same media that's been reporting that a consistent 60%, or more, says the country is heading in the wrong direction

  2. I think you're right, Jer. I've been watching the AP articles in our small daily local newspaper (14-16 pages each day), and I've been seeing a subtle shift for a few weeks. The bias towards Obama and progressives has been painfully obvious for years, but now I'm seeing more "balanced" reporting. This isn't just about the polls and the election, but about any news, including state items.
