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Just A Thought

I believe Republicans lost the Presidential election during the primaries. Not that they were hard fought, which they were, but that in the end they nominated a candidate that was opposed to by their base.

Remember all those primaries that Romney eked out a victory like Ohio and Michigan, hell it turned out he even lost Iowa after the fact. Remember South Carolina going overwhelmingly for Newt and most of the south going for an ex- Pennsylvania Senator Santorum. Remember all the excitement when Perry got in and he had huge support before he self destructed in 27 seconds. Remember 9-9-9 and Herman Cain of all people looking like someone who could finally dispose of the RINO Mitt. Do you remember all this and more, much more. Like Sarah Palin never endorsing anyone-especially Romney in fact who but fat Chris of New Jersey of the new breed of Republicans actually endorsed Mitt before it was virtually inevitable that he would win? Ryan did near the end, Rubio did not until the writing was unmistakable, certainly not during the Florida primaries when it would have cost him political capital in his home state and by the way neither did Jeb.

In fact during the whole primary season the entire narrative was about the "anyone but Mitt" candidate that would save Republicans from nominating Romneycare .

I admit I was almost violently opposed to Romney during the primaries, as too were millions of others on the right. I came to like him during the general election process but even I am not sure if this wasn't due to comparing him to the alternative rather than an actual conversion.

Romney, like so many others that the Republicans put up as their standard bearer was not the choice of the larger portion of their base. He won the nomination by division not by acclimation and I suspect many on the right, particularly those of libertarian leaning just said "not this time, no more." 

Do I agree with this sentiment, this "no more compromise" attitude? Not this time, it is too costly to the nation, perhaps even fatal, but I understand it and unless the Republican Party machine understands it rather than flaying around for other reasons, they and perhaps the US is doomed.


  1. Nice commentary, Jer; but, NO COMPROMISE on spending! The problem is spending, not taxes or revenue!

  2. good grief....where have you been????

    ...seeing you post just made my day!

  3. Hi, MLC! Yes, nice to see you here - stick around!

    Jer, I agree with what you have said here. I liked Romney better as time went on, but he certainly wasn't my ideal candidate. In other elections, I have often voted Libertarian (I live in NY), but this time I felt it was essential to vote anti-Obama, or Romney.

    We've heard the phrase "four more years" from both sides, but I think that could be misleading. It may not be a matter of waiting out gridlock for that time, for many things could happen in this time that will make the outcome of this election "perhaps even fatal", as you said.

    There are many situations, both domestic and global, that could erupt into catastrophes. Perhaps my biggest worry is that Obama will continue and expand his rule by regulation and executive order.

  4. From the sidebar....
    A must read... Nail on the head type stuff. Ok again highlight and open new tab/window.


    Hi MLC.
    It is very good to see you.

  5. Dont forget folks. Off year elections still favor us. We can do a good amount of good when the Left is asleep. Start the good work NOW!
