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“Failure” Googlebomb Ended – For Obama

First a refresher course on the history of the Googlebomb, “Miserable Failure.”

Lest we forget, former House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt called President Bush "a miserable failure" in a presidential debate on September 4, 2003.

This witticism was taken up by Michael Moore and other leftwing internet scamps, who did their best to make sure that any Google search for the phrase “miserable failure” would return a link to President Bush’s official White House biography as its top result.

But now that Mr. Obama’s official biography now resides on that same page, the Solons at Google have decided this is unacceptable.

Observe how Google spins their sudden crackdown:

Detecting new "Googlebombs"

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Posted by Matt Cutts, Software Engineer

Though the spirit of change may be in the air in Washington, some things apparently stay the same. Yes, the old online prank called "Googlebombing" returned for a brief while recently, when Google searches for the words words [failure] and [cheerful achievement] returned President Obama’s biography as the top result.

You may remember this issue from a few years ago, when the query [miserable failure] led to the biography of President Bush. For some reason, all those links pointing to the Bush bio were redirected to Obama’s. Some people have asked in the past whether these results are a sign of political bias on Google’s part, and we’ve explained that this isn’t the case.

Rather than edit these prank results by hand, we developed an algorithm a few years ago to detect Googlebombs. We tend not to run it all the time, because it takes some computing power to process our entire web index and because true Googlebombs are quite rare (we joke around the Googleplex that more articles have been written about Googlebombs than there are actual examples of Googlebombs).

After we became aware of this latest Googlebomb, we re-ran our algorithm and it detected the Googlebomb for [cheerful achievement] as well as for [failure]. As a result, those search queries now return discussion about the Googlebombs rather than the original pages that were returned.

Be sure check out search engine analyst Danny Sullivan’s post from yesterday. He does a great job explaining the history behind this and how it all works.

By the way, Google probably “became aware of this latest Googlebomb” when an outraged New York Times alerted them on January 23, 2009.

Talk about quick results.

Please note that it took a mere six and a half long years – but only a couple of days after Mr. Obama was inaugurated – for Google to decide this was all terribly wrong and that they had to "re-run” their “algorithm.”

Meanwhile, Google has the chutzpah to claim:

Some people have asked in the past whether these results are a sign of political bias on Google’s part, and we’ve explained that this isn’t the case.

Well, then that settles that.

Remember, Google’s slogan is “Don’t be evil.”

Remember too that Google and MoveOn.org are two of the organizations behind the laughably named “net neutrality.”

A matter which is already engraved as an agenda item at the newly revamped White House website:

Ensure the Full and Free Exchange of Ideas through an Open Internet and Diverse Media Outlets

* Protect the Openness of the Internet: Support the principle of network neutrality to preserve the benefits of open competition on the Internet.

Well, it’s only fair. Google paid for it.

And with more than just money.

Related Articles:

* Google Searches Cause Global Warming
* The Google Propagandists Never Sleep
* Google Blocks 'Anti-MoveOn' Campaign Ads
* What Google Calls Haditha 'News Sources'
* MoveOn, Google Seek To Control Internet
* Google Kowtows To Its Chi-Com Overlords


Complete Original Article from Sweetness and Light

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