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Early thoughts on election (Senate).

“There are 100 members of the U.S. Senate. Fifty-seven of them, including Russ Feingold, are lawyers. That would be fine if we had a lawsuit to settle. But we have an economy to fix.”
Ron Johnson

As I write this 4 of the 6 best Tea Party candidates for Senate have been elected (Marco Rubio-FL,  Pat  Toomey-PA, Rand Paul-KY, Ron Johnson-WI) Two others are up in the air but behind (Joe Miller-AK, and Ken Buck-CO). Two other Tea Party candidates have lost (Christine O'Donnell -DE and Sharon Angel-NV).

The narrative put out by the media and the left has been that Sharon Angle, Christine O'Donnell and Rand Paul are the face of the Tea Party. They have done this primarily because they were the easiest to marginalize, but more importantly to keep people from seriously looking at the other Tea Party candidates, particularly Marco Rubio and Ron Johnson.

Let me just say that personally although I supported O'Donnell and Angle I have never been big fans of either. O'Donnell, Angle and Miller in Alaska were more a product of the Tea Party Express wing of the Tea Party Movement rather than the the grass roots TPM as a whole. The Tea Party Express is more a political entity than an ideological part of The Movement. Although, perhaps neccessary, I have never been a big fan of the Tea Party Express.  All three of these candidates campaigns were driven more on being against someone rather than being for something although they all three believe in Tea Party principles. Angle was strongly backed to beat Harry Reid and Miller and O'Donnell were strongly backed to defeat the so called RINO (Republican in name only) elements in the primaries (Murkowski and Castle). Again all three are people who believe in Tea Party principles, however the driving force behind them was about being against rather than being for.

Probably the truest Tea Party candidate in the whole country is Ron Johnson in Wisconsin who actually got his start in politics by speaking at Tea Party rallies and was encouraged to run as a result of that. Both Angel and O'Donnell are conservative politicians, (as is Rubio and Toomey) so if you want a true representative face of the Tea Party Movement it should be Ron Johnson, not Angle or O'Donnell. The media will now try to ignore this but the fact remains that in a Blue state a true Tea Party candidate, defeated one of  the most Progressive Liberal Democrats in the Senate, Russ Feingold, and he did it decisively. That speaks far more to where the nation is heading than what happened in Nevada or Delaware.

Personally I do not regret that any of these candidates ran even if they lost, though it does hurt to think of Harry Reid still being around. It would be a shame if Miller ends up loosing since he is a very strong representative for Constitutional government and Murkowski is a, ....well never mind.

The main point I wish to make is that the very best of the Tea Party candidates to the Senate won or are still in the game and if Miller and Buck end up loosing the TPM will end up batting .500 in this election cycle, with the four best representatives of The Movement now in the Senate. They are also well dispersed geographically with Rubio and Paul being from the south and Toomey and Johnson being from the Northeast and Mid-West respectively. It would be nice if Miller or Buck could pull it out so that the Mountain West or Pacific West could be represented, but this early in the game you take what you can get, and make no mistake we are very early in the game. There is at least a decade long process in trying to set the United States back on course away from the shoals of Statism we are now grounded on. Also make no mistake that those forces that have led us here will not be rolling over, they will just change spots a bit and continue to attack what this country was founded on with ever increasing deceptiveness.

This is not a political contest, this is a battle for Freedom and Liberty and it never ends.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Jer,
    It was a good night, I was still hoping for the Senate but at least we took back the House.
    Enjoyed reading your thoughts.
