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Election Night Cheat Sheet

You can get a complete explaination at NYT link about House races. Basically if the Republicans win all the races in the left column they will take the House. If they do not they will have to take  races in the next two columns to make those up  or would be additional seats beyond those neccessary to take the House.

In the Senate the color (Red Republican-Blue Democrat) of the state represents which party holds seat, (*) represents incumbent. In order for Republicans to take control the Senate they must hold all their seats and turn 10 blue states to red.

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INDIANA           Dan Coates                  Brad Ellsworth
KENTUCKY      Rand Paul                     Jack Conway

FLORIDA                     Marco Rubio        Kendrick Meeks          Charlie Crist
SOUTH CAROLINA   Jim DeMint *        Alvin Greene
GEORGIA                    Johnny Isakson *  Michael Thurmond 
VERMONT                  Len Britton           Patrick J. Leahy* 


NORTH CAROLINA        Richard M. Burr*              Elaine Marshall
OHIO                                  Rob Portman                     Lee Fisher 
WEST VIRGINIA              John Raese                        Joe Manchin


PENNSYLVANIA        Pat Toomey                   Joe Sestak                          
OKLAHOMA              Tom Coburn*                Jim Rogers
CONNETICUT            Linda McMahon            Richard Blumenthal
SOUTH DAKOTA       John Thune*                  None
ALABAMA                  Richard Shelby*            William Barnes
NEW HAMPSHIRE    Kelly Ayotte                  Paul Hodes
MARYLAND               EricWargotz                  Barbara  Mikulski*                                      
DELAWARE                Christine O'Donnel        Chris Coons
MISSOURI                   Roy Blunt                     Robin Carnahan
ILLINOIS                     Mark Kirk                    Alexi Giannoulias

ARKANSAS     John Boozman                      Blanche Lincoln*                     


NEW YORK                Jay Townsend                  Charles Shummer *                  
NEW YORK (Special) Joe DioGuardi                  Kirsten Gillibrand*
COLORADO               Ken Buck                         Michael Bennet*
WISCONSIN               Ron Johnson                     Russ Feingold *
LOUISIANA                David Vitter*                    Charlie Melancon
KANSAS                      Jerry Moran                      Lisa Johnston 

ARIZONA                    John McCain*                  Rodney Glassman      
NORTH DAKOTA      John Hoeven                    Tracy Potter
IOWA                           Charles Grassley*             Roxanne Conlin
NEVADA                     Sharon Angle                    Harry Reid*
UTAH                           Mike Lee                         Sam Granato
IDAHO                         Mike Crapo*                   Tom Sulivan

CALIFORNIA           Carly Fiorina                      Barbara Boxer*
OREGON                   Jim Huffman                       Ron Wyden *

WASHINGTON         Dino Rossi                         Patty Murray*

ALASKA       Joe Miller      Lisa Murkowski *      Scott McAdamsHAWAII       Cam Cavasso                                  Daniel Inouye*

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