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Early thoughts on the election (The States)

The most important aspect of the election, long term, had nothing to do with the Senate or the House, it happened at the state level. The State Houses and the Governors are always important for the long term strength of a party, but every decade they become even more critical, last nights election was such an election.

After every census the States redistrict their state legislatures and Congressional Districts, based on the census. Whoever controls the Governorships and the State Legislatures controls this redistricting and thus the power of the state for a decade.

Consider this gem from Timothy P. Carney

In the eight states along the Great Lakes (N.Y., Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota), Republicans gained four Senate seats, and 23 House seats.

But also, on the state-government level the GOP made important gains in 6 of those 8 states: In Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Ohio, the GOP now controls both legislative chambers and the governorship — clutch for redistricting. In New York, Republicans won back the State Senate, limiting the Dems ability to control redistricting.

Consider that New York for example, as a result of the census, New York will be losing 2 House Seats. In last nights election the Republicans gained 5 House seats. When the redistricting happens in New York, what seats do you suspect will be eliminated or combined with a Stronger Democratic district? Since New York is dominated by the Democrats, this time, I hope a couple of those freshman Republican Representatives enjoy their short stay in DC.

There is also the ability of Governors to help out Presidential candidates since they are the "big dog" in their states with all the clout and political machinery to help a candidate. Not that all of the above states went for Obama in 2008. In addition to these states Maine flipped its legislature in both houses from Democrat to Republican and the new Governor is also Republican. This is the first time that has happened in Maine since 1962.

Across the country Republicans picked up Governorships and state legislatures which  insure that they will have a strong structural advantage for years to come and an advantage in the upcoming Presidential contest.  Republicans picked up 11 formerly Democratic Governorships and the Democrats only picked up 3 GOP State House (California)  there are still four undecided races only two of which were held by Republicans.

With all the talk about the control of congress, the true victory and the long term one went decisively to the Republicans where as Tip O'Neil so aptly opined "all politics is local " and in the local elections Republicans have been set up for the long haul.

New Midwest Governors Could Derail High-Speed Trains   (see)


Reuters has a good story on this Republican election surge hits U.S. state houses

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