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Get ready to say goodbye to the most irresponsible governing majority – ever

Via-Washington Examiner

By: Matt Patterson

It’s hard to fathom just what was going on inside the skulls of Obama, Pelosi, Reid and their foot soldiers this past year. Sure, universal health care has been the Ark of the Covenant for liberal adventurers for the better part of a century, but:

Did they really think it was wise to focus almost exclusively on health care in a time of crippling recession and chronic unemployment? To add a new trillion dollar entitlement to the federal books in a time of record deficits and debt? Did they believe, I mean really believe, that they could subsidize and enforce insurance on millions of new people – no matter how sick - and actually "bend the cost curve” down and save us money?

There are only two possibilities. Either they believed these things, in which case they are frighteningly ignorant of even grade-school economics. Or they knew their program would cripple the economy and hasten our national insolvency…and pushed it through anyway out of fealty to their left-wing ideology.

In any case, the Obama-Reid-Pelosi axis will go down (excepting only perhaps the James Buchanan Administration immediately preceding the Civil War) as the most reckless, irresponsible governing majority in the history of our republic, and will thoroughly deserve the coming rebuke of a vengeful electorate

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