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Let's Take This Country Back

Via-American Thinker

By Kevin Jackson

Though this election was a resounding defeat of white liberals and the policies of Obama, members of the Congressional Black (Progressive and Socialist) Caucus went essentially unscathed. Black people continued to support these government-funded extortionists, despite the destruction these black overseers have wreaked in black neighborhoods. Blacks seem annoyed at the idea that Obama lost ground in the last two years, and the Right is said to be taking the country back.

The Right would argue that they are taking the country back from the socialist policies that have weakened the country. Back to the Constitution.

Blacks argue differently, saying that conservatives want to take black people back to slavery. This may explain why black Democrats continue to allow ineffective and criminal leaders to be their caretakers.

One thing is for sure: Black Democrats love handouts. They know that the Congressional Black Caucus will continue to fight for these handouts, which black Democrats now consider "entitlements." Payback for slavery.

These days anything black Democrats want is considered an entitlement. Gucci purses and 60-inch flat-screen TVs in their taxpayer-funded, government-gifted homes -- all are entitlements.

For black Democrats, the government is supposed to provide food, shelter, clothing, cars (tricked out, of course), cable TV and PlayStations (the in-home babysitters), childcare, health care, and, of course, a check.

What the government does not have to provide to black Democrats are safe schools, crime-free neighborhoods, adequate education, or jobs. The government also doesn't have to provide real hope. False hope is fine, however.

Thus, you have the one stipulation black Democrat leaders impose on their minions, as it is mandated from the higher ups in the Democrat Party: Ask for just enough to get by, but not enough to get over!

Black Democrats are socially conservative, but fiscally communist. That reliance on government has made black Democrats the weakest group of people in America, with no sense of pride. Black Democrat pride has been bought...not by the highest bidder, but by the only bidder -- the Democrats.

Based on the results of this election, black Democrat politicians will operate "business as usual." In fact, their intent is to double down on their far Left agenda, evidenced by Keith Ellison's bid to lead the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a group that bragged that they only lost three congressional seats (of their eighty members) in the carnage of Eviction 2010.

Progressives are emboldened by their limited election losses, which is why Obama finds himself between a rock and a boulder. He knows that America has rejected his "Progressive" policies. Nevertheless, he must continue to push for "Progressive" policies, since that is what his most ardent supporters -- blacks with their hands out -- will demand.

Democrat centrists, however, will be shifting right like a Tiger Woods slice. Most have already begun the dramatic move away from Obama's policies, and Obama can expect more of the same over the next two years. Eventually Obama may be forced to abandon his base, though he will leave them kicking and screaming.

At that point, the question becomes, "Can Republicans seize on this opportunity and begin to shift black thought to empowerment?" After all, conservative values are the clear path to black empowerment. Should be an easy sell, right?

I'm not sure that I believe Republicans have the answer or are really even willing to try to reach the black vote. There are those who say that the Republicans really don't need the black vote if we can resonate with the rest of America. Like Reagan did.

Have you seen anybody close to Reagan in the Republican ranks?

When Republicans win, they feel the cancer of liberalism is in remission. In 2008, that cancer came out of remission and infected other cells. Those cells formed into a guy who occupies the oval office, a guy who had no business considering leading this great country.

Republicans seem to expect black Democrats to "get it," as if there were not years of indoctrination to overcome in the black community. As if blacks would suddenly slap the hand that feeds them. Black Democrats often ask, "What has a Republican done for me?" Republicans should fire back, "What have Democrats done to you?"

Unfortunately, this election did nothing to change that thinking within the black community, and it likely just reinforced the liberal narrative that white Republicans rejected Obama...because he is black. The rejection of Obama could not possibly have anything to do with rising unemployment due to his policies that have demonstrably continued to plague the black community, and America at large.

I heard one radio show host ask conservatives not to say that "we are taking the country back," as it could lead to racial tension. Well, I say we are taking the country back, and I don't care who gets offended.

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