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Just a thought

On Benghazi

I have a feeling that once the truth comes out about Benghazi, and it will, that we will find out that the reason for not sending help was that whoever made the decision, I suspect Obama, was worried about all those missing surface to air missiles.

Although this might somewhat absolve the administration for not sending help, or at least give them a reasonable explanation for not doing so, it opens up bunches of other cans of worms which is probably why they did not reveal this in the first place. It was easier to lie and come up with a cover story that the You Tube video was the culprit than to explain that Obama's Libya policy was so inept that it has resulted in our Ambassador and others being dead and the reason we could not save them was because al Queda had acquired missiles that could shoot down gunships and planes that we could have sent to save them, not to mention civilian airliners.

The terrible irony in all this is that Glen Doherty, one of the ex SEALS killed in this fiasco was actually in Libya trying to track down these weapons. What may be even more ironic and tragic is that the US Government itself was/is funneling these weapons, the ones they can find, to Syrian rebels to fight another nasty dictator whose defeat will ultimately release even more and worse weapons into a incinerary region of the world.

1 comment:

  1. they said they were under mortar fire....

    ..that is exactly what the mortar fire was

    shoulder surface to air

    C-130's are huge and slow, a easy target

    Then they would have to explain how they have al-quaeda neutered (not),and how we gave al-quaeda surface to airs, and how al-quaeda used them to attack us and down our planes....

    100% political
    100% a lie and coverup
