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"The Healer"

Via-Jer's Place

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. 

Most Americans are marginally attached to the political process. Their day to day pursuits, the seeming continuous rancor between the political parties and an unjustified trust in political leaders cause most Americans not to pay too much attention to politics. You add to this a corrupt media which either shields the public from the truth of what their government is doing or manipulates stories to advance their own overwhelming progressive agenda and you are left with...today's America.

Or to be more accurate you are left with pre 2008 America, it appears that American's may actually be waking up from their political slumber. But while they/we were sleeping they elected not only a far left progressive ideologue, a vast majority of that slumbering American electorate also elected Obama with the mistaken belief that they were doing the right thing.  I have felt for along time now that America felt they were electing "The Healer".

People on the right like to deride "liberal guilt" for Obama's rise to the highest office in the land, while simultaneously pointing out that liberalism is in the minority as an ideology in the country. You can't have it both ways. The fact is that there are not enough liberals in America to elect a president, oh if the Republican establishment would only grasp that fact, but no, in order for Obama to be elected he needed and got voters across the ideological spectrum. And rather handily to I might add.

How did he do it? He didn't, we did it to ourselves. Oh, Obama put on a nice act, "the Great Pretender" for sure. He ran a disciplined campaign of barely concealed   deception aided and abetted by a star struck and liberal guilt ridden media complex, but the fact is that the American electorate actually voted him into office. They voted him into office partially due to societal ignorance and apathy but they were willing to do so due  to a mas delusional and unrealistic belief that they could somehow, in one fell swoop, elect a healer.

So disillusioned with the political process that the two parties have given us and so tired of the constant rancorous childish divide that permeates all thing political in the United States. A large portion of the nation was willing to take a chance on a virtual unknown and truth be told a shadowy character that seemed to offer an opportunity to heal multiple societal and political wounds simply by his election. Obama's election represents what is at the core of America's true sickness, his election represented the instant gratification society that two generations of rich American's has devolved into.

Not only were vast swaths of Americans unwilling to vet the man they were ostensibly electing to lead them they donned dark glasses so as not to see the darker side of the man's associations and ideology. It became a sport to ridicule and dismiss those that tried to shed a light onto Obama's true character.  A majority of America  became so high on the expectation of a "quick fix" that they not only ignored those who truly only had the nation's best interest at heart for the plastic surgery of an unqualified charlatan of the first order. A man not only lacking in skill and experience to govern but a man who actually despises the society and the institutions he was elected to lead.

So determined were so many Americans not to do the hard work required of a free citizen. So far had American fallen from our founding principles and ideals which has afforded us the richness of our society, that today we have all but sunk the ship of state on the shoals of fiscal indebtedness and political gridlock.  Now only a drastic change of course back into the mainstream of American values can save us from utter destruction.

The children must be put to bed and the grown ups must once again take charge of the house. There are no free rides or free lunches, a society built on some mythical doctrine of fairness of outcome quickly becomes the most unfair society of all and grown ups know this. Their is no "medicine man" who  through some magic elixir can without pain heal that which afflicts our society and political divides. Historically people who look for such characters and pin their "hope" on them are at best left disillusioned but far more often are enslaved by their savior.

Obama did not come to heal America, though he in his arrogance may believe that of himself.  No Obama has come to poison America with the bitter pill of divisiveness served up and masked by a strong dose of a conman's hope.

America's only real hope is found in the soul of its true political traditions and foundational principles which Obama is bent on destroying and replacing with a doctrine that is not only foreign to America's past but will ultimately lead to America's downfall.

Obama is a healer to what ails America in much the same way that Kevorcian was a doctor and we all know how that ended up for his patients. The only question American's need to ask themselves is, are we sick unto death? If  you think so then Obama is the healer you are looking for. If however you still believe in America as the land of the free and the home of the brave, then we must act it and be brave enough to accept the medicine that true healing requires which will neither be quick or easy, but will be necessary if we want to survive as a free people.

Most important of all is for America to realize that to be a free people we must take responsibility for our government rather than expecting government to take responsibility for us. So in fact the only true answer to what ails us is

"Physician heal yourself"


  1. "a vast majority of that slumbering American electorate elected Obama"

    ...this isn't true

    50% of the country did not vote at all

    ...out of the 50% that did vote...~50% of them voted for McCain

    75% of this country did not vote for Obama

    Out of the 25% that did vote for Obama...that includes the liberals...all of them...every liberal voted in that election...and that's the best they could do

    1. First of all the "electorate" is those that actually vote not those that don't. Second of all if you read the whole sentence instead of going of half of it, it is referring to the people who did vote for Obama not those who did not, thus " slumbering American electorate also elected Obama with the mistaken belief that they were doing the right thing." Obviously those of us who voted against Obama did not feel that way.

      Regardless people who do not vote are not part of the electorate and using them as somehow denying the fact that the real electorate did vote for Obama in overwhelming numbers does not advance the cause of informing people as to the problem

    2. are you saying that I need to lay off the sinus meds and have more coffee first?

      ..thanks for that link this morning, that was exactly what I was looking for!

      thanks again!

      that "electorate" is going to get skewed this time...
      ...likely voters is based on the last election when less than 30% of republicans voted

  2. Good thoughts. Although I've been aware for 20 years of the direction the country has been taking, I haven't taken an active part in adding my voice to the debate. Yes, I've been one who has let it happen, for I haven't had the bravery to speak out against the PC issues.

    I agree that turning this around won't be quick, easy, or comfortable, and many won't be willing to do the personal work to help in the effort. How many will voluntarily give up the Obama cell phone - or even embrace entitlement reform in any measure?

    This election will be a measure of how many responsible adults remain who are willing to do the hard work.
