Tip Jar



 I do not believe in God because of the beauty of nature. 

Because the sun shining through the multi hewed green forest canopy can make my heart leap with an undefinable mysterious joy. 

Because the quiet whiteness of a first snow fall blanketing a moonlit landscape calms me to my core.

Because the warm sea breeze that makes me gasp at the beauty of the an evening orange sunset as it sink into the blue horizon.

Because the vastness that awes me looking out upon a pasture of blinking fire flies which melt into a sky filled with infinite stars

No I do not believe in God because of these and limitless other natural phenomena which surround me, they could all be there by chance. I believe in God


I exist with the capacity to be moved by them, and that cannot be by chance.


Reality Trumps Theory

 You can misinterpret science, you can even manipulate science to get the results you desire. You can misinterpret history or even rewrite history all together in order to manipulate present day views of the past. 

One thing you cannot do is undo reality. The definition of reality is,  "The quality or state of being actual or true."

Reality is truth.

Here is a bit of reality, which totally upends a very big lie. There is a new field of science called Glacial Archeology. What is this "new" scientific discipline exactly?  Well it is the study of human and animal artifacts uncovered as "climate change" melts glaciers. 

A recent example of this new "science" is demonstrated in Norway where  archeologist have been studying numerous finds from a mountain pass above Lendbreen. Recently melting snow has unearthed numerous artifacts which show that the pass in antiquity was a heavily commuted thoroughfare. Everything from walking sticks, to tunics, to horse skeletons have been discovered as the ice melts. These discoveries date back over a thousand years. Think about, that which was there before the ice and snow which man traveled upon. 

What does the reality of these discoveries reveal. There once was no snow, then there was snow, and now, again, there is no snow. 

It is like the ancient Roman seaport in England located more than a mile from the current coast line. Once the ocean reached the seaport then it receded and now it does not. Or the glacier in Alaska that as it recedes reveals giant trees where an ancient forest once stood. The climate changed and covered the forest with snow, then the climate changed again and the trees reappeared in the run off.

Archeology, glacial and not, is filled with thousands of years of examples showing an ever changing climate on Earth all of which happened without any help from fossil fuels. It is in the real historical record which can be seen and touched that overturns the falsehood of man made climate change. 

Reality trumps theory.  


Rebuilding Babel

 True free market capitalism creates a middle class which is the golden egg of societies. What the WEF globalist are attempting to do is to eat the golden egg. This cannot be done without destroying free market capitalism. The wealth and power they hope to achieve by this gambit is illusory since the middle class, in the end, is the engine for societies growth. Instead of vast wealth and power the outcome will be the stagnation and then the implosion of society. Their "progressive" dream of controlling the global society would ultimately crumble into far worse tribalism than that which they tried to harness and control. Their dreams of a managed utopia, controlled by them, would only lead to chaos and mayhem not unlike the results achieved by the deluded architects of Babel. This is why they must be resisted.


The Curse

 From a Malthusian's perspective, life is not precious, it is a curse. Children are not precious they are poison.

Much of the progressive movement, both directly and indirectly, is influenced by Malthusianism. 

Malthusianism is the idea that population growth is potentially exponential while the growth of the food supply or other resources is linear, which eventually reduces living standards to the point of triggering a population die off. 

 When you stand squarely on one side of a belief, it is always difficult to "see the other side." It is not just a matter of being "open minded" it is a matter of conviction, and with conviction comes certainty. It is difficult for a believer in the sanctity of life to understand that there could be any moral or even logical underpinning to those who do not. If, however, you take your own faith and convictions and subscribe that to the opposing view, the conflict is understandable. Malthusian progressives "believe" in the logic, and moral certainty of their views as much as we who oppose them believe in ours. 

The primary, and to me, fundamental difference is that the sanctity of life is the fountain from which human progress flows, whereas the Malthusian fear of life leads to only darkness and human suffering. Once accepted, much of what traditionalist, of whatever political affiliation, see as mere cultural or policy  differences with Malthusian progressives are in reality a matter of actual survival.

It goes without saying that abortion is not only championed by the Malthusian progressives, it is an article of  that faith. Abortion is to them what childbirth is to us. The means by which the human race continues. For them it must be limited even reversed while for us, at minimum, it must be maintained. Both sides believe that their view is that which will enable the future of humankind.

Consider the "gender" controversy, whatever you may think of the progressive's infatuation with creating and then dividing us by gender, the net affect of the indoctrination is the reduction of human procreation. Put simply, gays cannot procreate, and this has nothing to do with parenting, it is a simple matter of biology. I personally have no objection to loving grounded lifestyles. However it appears the current  purpose of the progressives is to create a new definition for what is a biological reality and to transform humanity into genderless, passionless automatons. Identifying as the opposite sex is not only accepted but encouraged among the most vulnerable, our youth. Carried forward this leads to many dangerous side affects, not the least of which can by sterility. At least in the name of affirmation, we confuse and stunt the normal process towards maturity.  This Brave New Genderless World can only end with the reduction of the the human species. 

The entire "Climate Change" charade is a direct result of a Malthusian fear of human progress and an increased human population on planet Earth. Much of the propaganda surrounding this myth of climate change is meant to portray humanity as a virus on Holy Planet Earth. It portrays humans as a virus that must be mitigated in order to "save the planet." One of the most disgusting anti-human advertisements I remember was a cartoon depicting squadrons of storks flying and dropping babies like bombs from airplanes destroying the forest and fields below. Human children were destroying the world.

The examples of anti-human propaganda, indoctrination, and policies are everywhere in our culture. Is it any wonder that suicide rates are at an all time high. Of course not, in fact assisted suicide is now the new "in thing." We are not talking about just the terminally ill, in Canada it is now permissible for the mentally ill and even children to ask a doctor for suicide drugs. Assisted suicide is the new abortion with the consent of the aborted. 

All of this is the direct result of a Malthusian progressivism which seeks to cull the planet of the undesirable, which of course does not include them. This is the curse, not the human race, which now stalks the globe. This is the evil which must be eradicated from our society and it can only happen by recognizing it and calling it out for what it truly is.     


Drip, drip, drip


A narrative is a story, it can be true or not. The narrative of man made global warming was, as the lawyers might say, based on facts not yet in evidence. The creation of evidence of global warming has been one of the greatest scams and injustices in world history. Like all good fiction the story of man made global warming was based on a truth. This being that extra CO2 introduced into the atmosphere by industrialization causes the Earth to warm. That, with many caveats is true which few serious people deny.

Where the theory transformed into a narrative is when proponents of "catastrophic" global warming began to seek out and embellish reality. This was done for political reasons in order to make the "problem" worse than it ever truly was, is, or ever will be.

The process of selling the narrative is not unlike the Chinese water torture, "a process in which water is slowly dripped onto a person's forehead, allegedly driving the restrained victim insane."  Over the previous three decades, scientists, politicians, and media with vested interest or agendas have dripped countless unproven assertions upon a trusting society. In doing so they have pushed a belief in something which is not only unproven but impossible.

The narrative has become the foundation for the theory rather than the evidence.

This is accomplished by introducing a scientific study showing an extreme or possible extreme result of global warming. This narrative will take hold and be widely publicized until it becomes accepted by the public and policy makers. Later studies often disagree or even disprove the original hyped study but by then the premise of the original study has become the "mainstream" and accepted into the narrative. 

This process is repeated over and over again until most people are convinced that with so much science being promoted there must be something there. A narrative that constantly grows through the constant repetition of the falsehoods.  All of this is amplified by agenda driven media and politicians. 

The scientific treachery that underpins all of this is that most of the "studies" and "science" are based not on reality but on modelling of a future climate. These dire predictions which garner so much attention, that frighten generations of children, and a reordering of of societal policies are not based on the known but rather on a computer generated make believe future world. Models that are not only suspect, but incapable of forecasting a future as complex as Earth's climate. The known unkowns in the climate system in themselves make the idea of modeling the future climate impossible and the idea that minute amounts of carbon dioxide could so greatly effect the climate is simply put impossible.

Yet here we are.

Now we have reached the point that this farce has gone on so long that two dynamics are coming into conflict. The first is that  the climate change propaganda has been so unrelenting for so long that it is accepted to some degree by most of society. However this comes into conflict with the fact that it, the theory, has been around long enough now to see that many of those predictions fail and continue to fail as time passes.

The solution? It is simple for the purveyors of climate Armageddon just ignore the failed projections and for the most part just ignore further scientific enquiry and just press on with societal changes as if their "theory" were reality, and sadly everyone plays along.

There is, of course, a price to pay when a lie becomes perceived reality on a global scale. The idea that carbon dioxide, the building block for life, is humankind's enemy rather than our friend is not only a staggering deception it is has had multi generational consequences for our species. 

As bad as the entire façade of the climate change era has been, the consequences are worse. Once the scheme worked to indoctrinate and ensnare society, a blueprint was established. That blueprint is now being used to control society and rob us of our freedoms. Continuing to promote vaccines that don't really vaccine is just the new version of promoting global warming when the globe doesn't really warm. Claiming that deaths caused by vaccines are the result of the virus that the vaccine doesn't prevent is no different than claiming hurricanes are the result of a warming world that isn't.

And the drip, drip, drip of false science distorts and robs the future by deceiving the present. 

"...for he is a liar and the father of lies."


The Time is Now

The United States appears to be irrevocably divided. On the one side is the progressive left who are in the process of transforming the nation into an autocratic democracy. A nation not unlike most of Europe where the citizenry is ruled more by an administrative state than as free citizens. On the other side are those who wish to remain and maintain the traditional constitutional republic as founded. 

As it stands now the two opposing ideologies exist with seemingly little chance of reconciliation. For the past half century or more the two opposing forces have attempted to gain their way through imposition of their political will upon the other side. Neither side will likely cede their ideological views or be subjugated by the other. 

It is time for coordination among political leaders, primarily governors in the "red" states. The opportunity for bold action is ripe but may be limited. Due to confluence of several favorable circumstances there is a rare if limited opportunity to force the issue without it deteriorating to force. 

 Foremost among them is the current composition of the Supreme Court. Since SCOTUS is currently occupied by a majority of constitutional originalist, it is possible to institute programs and priorities which are within the Constitution without worrying that they will be shot down. This may not last long.

The second reason is that the current political make up of the states favor it. There are no longer red governors in blue states which means they can focus on implementing policies without concern for blue state sensibilities. The goal is to isolate blue states not placate them anyway. Let the blue state's fall from the unbearable weight of their failed ideals. The goal should be to protect ourselves from them and protect against them pulling us down with them. 

It is also the perfect time for red governors to coordinate their efforts because of the political dynamics now in play. Most of the current governors are not looking at reelection. Many are two term governors and most are precluded from running again. This fact also means that they have mandates from their constituents and can make bold moves. Most of these current and soon to be governors won their last election by hefty margins. Because of the divide in the nation, the red states have become redder just as the blue states have become bluer, people want boldness. With hardly an exception the current group of Republican governors, as a whole, are as conservative as we have had in generations.

The Republican Governors need to join together to create a constitutional division from the blue states using the tenth amendment as their shield.

  • The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

  •  The Supreme Court is already in the process of reigning in the Federal administrative state, the red states should push this effort along by enacting common sense laws regardless of any Federal restrictions as long as these new laws or policies are not in conflict with actual Federal laws. Much of what we consider to be laws are not. They are bureaucratic  enacted "policies," "guidelines," "recommendations," or other such "mandates" put in place by "departments" as the result of congress ceding their actual authority to executive branch agencies.  

  • Pass laws that may be in conflict with Federal norms and if challenged collectively fight them in court. Unshackle local and state governments from burdensome "regulations"  imposed  by a bloated Federal administrative state whose primary purpose is empower themselves not to serve the people.

  • The governors should coordinate their efforts to take  functions and power away from the Federal government.  Establish or strengthen their own state police forces and resist the inroads of Federal policing agencies. If blue states can refuse to work with ICE then red states can refuse to work with the FBI and ATF on issues that put unconstitutional restriction on the Second Amendment as an example. If they become overzealous take them to court or flat out kick them out if they overstep their constitutional authority. 

  • Strengthen state health, education and other social services in order to replace Federal programs. Combine and coordinate to fight back against the Feds use of funding to blackmail states to accept policies which states may not want to enact. 

  • States rights despite the negative vitriol of the progressive left is a foundational principle of our constitutional republic 

  • Create regional alliances to deal with large issues where several states in concert can replace or reduce the need for Federal programs.

  • Outlaw sanctuary cities within the states where they exist and any other harmful progressive policies that undermine their states and the nation. 

  •  Corporations who have ceded their independence to woke cronyism will quickly learn that they will either move back to free market principles or be in competition with new industries which will flourish in the area of the nation that embraces it.

  • The time is short, the window is open, Republican governors and legislatures need to proactively work together to reestablish Federalism in their combined states and let the blue states fail on their own, as they surely will. If they do not the window will close, it already is, and future generations of Americans will live in a much darker and less free America.



The great lie

 Perhaps nothing in the history of "science" has been so catastrophic to humankind than the transformation of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the building block of life which it is, into a harmful pollutant. By turning one of nature's greatest gifts into a villain, they have distorted reality into nightmare, a blessing into a curse. Worse they have used this distortion of truth to imprison humanity into a belief structure that is not only regressive to human prosperity, it is a leap backwards of scientific understanding of our world and universe. This, not so subtle, slight of hand is without doubt the most evil deception ever played on a civilized world and has become the playbook, a bible, to be used in all manner of distortions to entrap generations in a future built on lies.    

"Carbon dioxide is a gas consisting of one part carbon and two parts oxygen. It is one of the most important gases on the earth because plants use it to produce carbohydrates in a process called photosynthesis. Since humans and animals depend on plants for food, photosynthesis is necessary for the survival of life on earth."


 Lifeblood going dry

If you had to pick one human development which fueled the tremendous surge in prosperity, industrial and technological advancement, increased standard of living and the transformation of mankind into the modern age, it would surely have to be the harnessing electricity for the good of humankind. Almost all human advancements in the twentieth century were the direct result of that singular remarkable achievement without which humanity would be, relatively and figuratively speaking, still trapped in darkness.

That being true it surprising how little care we have taken to ensure the continued abundance of this most necessary of necessities of the modern world.  Outside food and water the generation of electricity is the single most important commodity to modern man. Even food and water are today dependent on an available constant supply of electricity. Nowhere is this more obvious than here in the United States. 

With this in mind, consider this, ten states generate over fifty percent of all the electricity consumed in the United States. While it is true that nine of these ten states are among the ten most populated, those ten states neither comprise fifty percent of the US population nor is their individual electrical generation close to equitable. California is by far is the worst offender even though it ranks fourth in electricity production. It is home to the highest percentage of the US population, 11.93% while only generating  4.7% of the nation's electricity, meaning they have to "feed" off of other states for their citizen's electrical needs. New York is also in this category even though they rank ninth in production,3% of the US total, they are home to 6.07% of the nation's population.  

Before going further, it should be noted that electric generation is not at all a function of the local fuel needed for electricity production. A power plant can be built without a local supply of fuel, most are. With the exception of hydro power, fuel can be imported, this is one reason natural gas pipe lines and trains are so important to our electrical supply. That being said, California is resource rich in fuel for a wide variety of electricity generation. 

If you throw nuclear into the mix, no state is burdened by lack of available resources. Take Illinois as an example. Illinois is fifth on the list of electricity producing states at 4.5% of total US electric, just slightly behind California. Illinois is not known for an abundance of fossil fuels or hydro generating rivers but it produces 54.6% of its electricity from nuclear power. My own state of South Carolina is one of only three states, Illinois and New Hampshire being the others which produce over half their electricity from nuclear power. All very diverse in location, climate and geography. 

Electricity generation is not a function of fuel, fuels are readily available, it is the function of public policy and a desire by policy makers to achieve "the greater good" for their constituencies. 

Which state is the largest electricity producer in the US? Well, it is Texas of course. The Lone Star State produces 13.6% of the nations electricity with "only"  8.93% of the nations population. In fact Texas and Florida produce over 20% of the nation's electricity with 15.5% of the population. When it comes to providing for the nation's best interest, Alabama shows the way, it provides the sixth most electricity (3.7%) while being the twenty fourth most populous state. Consider that, Alabama produces more electricity than New York yet has fifteen million fewer residents.

States that cannot even meet their own energy needs and draw down the "grid" are truly threatening future generations. Massachusetts for example is the fifteenth most populous state yet it is forty first in electricity production, but I am sure they are proud that 30% of it is solar generated. The entire New England region is near the bottom in electric generation, yet produce more than average of what they do produce from solar. Meanwhile Wyoming which ranks fiftieth in population ranks thirty sixth in electrical generation while Vermont which ranks forty ninth in population is last in electrical production. 

Past policy decisions to "transition to renewable" energy sources are crippling the nation's power supply. This is is no small matter, it is obvious electricity is the life blood of the modern world. This resource will become increasingly vital to everyday life as we advance into the technological age. With electricity people, nations, the entire world progress, without it we will stagnate and fall backwards into a far more hostile and less prosperous environment. A much darker existence.

It is really that simple   


New York
New Jersey
Rhode Island



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A Bigger Universe is Coming

The picture is from the Hubble Space Telescope, peering into one of the “dark areas” of the universe. Every light you see is not a single star but rather an entire galaxy. Using the Hubble telescope, astronomers have established that there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the universe. With the introduction of the new far more sophisticated James Webb telescope, scientist expect to at least triple the number of known galaxies. Our own galaxy, The Milky Way, a rather normal sized galaxy, is estimated to contain between 100 and 250 billion stars. Again, the astronomers estimate of “the known” universe contains at least one billion trillion stars….and “the known” is about to become much bigger.
Of course, the universe isn’t really getting any bigger at all. At least not in the infinitesimal time frame of man’s place in the universe. However big the Universe is, which many believe to be without beginning or end, it has always been only man’s limited ability to view it that has grown. All those trillions of stars, not to mention the planets and moons and who knows what else are each living their own life spans. Birthing, expanding, and evolving then dying to create material for some new purpose under heaven.
One of those materials created in the life span of the ever-changing universe is an invisible high energy particle which we call a cosmic ray. These particles traveling through our universe near the speed of light “are atomic nuclei stripped of their atoms.” This occurs during the life spans of those billions of trillions of stars. These invisible cosmic rays bounce around the universe subject to the magnetic push and pull of planets, stars, and galaxies. An endless stream of unseen energy particles which interact with the living universe in manifold and, as yet little understood ways. Who knows perhaps these cosmic rays may one day be harnessed to generate an eternal power source for us Earthlings or perhaps become the fuel for interplanetary travel? We do know that these invisible cosmic rays interact with particles and aerosols in the Earth’s atmosphere to seed cloud formation and clouds are the least understood of all aspects of how the Earth’s climate is regulated. Like the Universe itself we understand not a fraction of both cosmic rays potential and secrets.
When scientist tell you that the “science is settled” remember the invisible cosmic ray which were not even known until the twentieth century, or the trillions of stars that most of mankind’s population never even dreamed existed and the trillions more we are about to discover. The science is never settled, science is not and never has been a process of conclusion only one of discovery. Scientists are not inventors, they are explorers, exploring a universe they did not create and will never truly understand. By the way inside the invisible little cosmic ray are “other sub-atomic particles like neutrons electrons and neutrinos.” And what might we find inside of them? Perhaps an entire universe?




Jer's Notes

Everyone knows that this whole mask thing, is mainly so that in a few weeks, when Covid 19 naturally dissipates, out "public health" officials can say "see what we did," everyone knows that right?



"We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from Covid. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose, that are above excess, than we had as background, than we are seeing deaths from Covid.”

- Robert Redfield
Director CDC


Specimens vs People

According to Covid Tacking Project's web site the following states record specimens tested as opposed to people tested in the state's daily "case" count. 

New Jersey
South Carolina

As the web site points out under each of these states :
 _____________reports specimens tested instead of people tested. Because some people may be tested more than once, this number is probably higher than the number of people tested. 
Considering that this list of states includes the three of the most populous states. These states currently account for over two million cases or 52.5% of all reported cases in the United States. How many of these specimen tests are of a previously tested positive individual? We have no way of knowing. How many "cases" are duplicated? Again we have no way of knowing. If only 10% of those tested in these states are duplication's then there have been a quarter of a million less "cases" in the United States than reported. 

The number is probably far more. 


"Even if the infectious viruses are long dead, a corona test can come back positive"

Back when I was a "believer" in what was then only known as global warming, I came across a word that changed everything. The word was enhanced as in the Enhanced Greenhouse Effect.

Without becoming sidetracked with an explanation of this term, I will only say that in coming to understand the science behind it, it led me to one inescapable conclusion, this is bullshit. I spent years letting the so called scientific community try to dissuade me from that conclusion and the more they have tried the larger their pile has grown. This is why I, a once strong believer in institutions of science, am now a confirmed, if sometime frustrated skeptic of these so called experts. It is also why, many years later when I came across another word which seemed not to fit I began anew to study a science, viruses. 

The word was sensitivity. 

To be honest an actual scientist first put a seed of doubt in my mind about global warming, Ried Bryson, look him up, once observed and I paraphrase, if they find a 1000 year old man under a melting glacier in the Alps, it must have been warmer then than now. That is just plain common sense, which really cannot be disputed. In the case of Covid 19 it was a statement from a Swiss biologist, Beda M Stadler, former Director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern. He said, among other things , that:
 "The PCR test with its extreme sensitivity was initially perfect to find out where the virus could be. But this test can not identify whether the virus is still alive, i.e. still infectous."
Consider that statement; a positive test for covid-19 while conclusive that a person has the virus, is no indication that the person is infectious?

Thinking about that rather important factor which I like probably most people had never heard, led me to study up on testing. My research confirmed both the reliability of the test and Stadler's description of the test and the methods used to ensure its accuracy.
These tests are highly specific because they are based on the unique genetic sequence of SARS-CoV-2. If a test comes back positive, you can be confident that there was SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA in the specimen.
There is a process that the test goes through to multiply a sample in order to find that genetic sequence. This allows for the test to be conclusive as to whether the virus is present in the sample. But what Dr Stadler says is that a positive test does not mean that the virus is alive, infectious. This is  supported by the FDA in their description of this type of test in an Emergency Use Authorization for a less accurate type of testing, antigen testing. the FDA says this:
During this pandemic, there have been two types of tests for which the FDA has issued EUAs. One type are polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, a molecular diagnostic testing technique that detects the genetic material from the virus and can help diagnose an active COVID-19 infection.
 Note that the PCR test is meant to detect genetic "material" from the virus and can "help" diagnose an active infection. It does not say that the test itself determines that there is an active infection. This is in line with what Stadler says: 
"So if we do a PCR corona test on an immune person, it is not a virus that is detected, but a small shattered part of the viral genome. The test comes back positive for as long as there are tiny shattered parts of the virus left. Correct: Even if the infectious viruses are long dead, a corona test can come back positive, because the PCR method multiplies even a tiny fraction of the viral genetic material enough [to be detected]"
The current position of the "public health" community is that there is no immunity to Covid-19. In the CDC's Pandemic Planning Scenarios they assume that there is no immunity for planning purposes.
No pre-existing immunity before the pandemic began in 2019. It is assumed that all members of the U.S. population were susceptible to infection prior to the pandemic.

Not that they actually know that there is no immunity, that would be highly unusual, only that they do not know. This includes before or after infection. Because they have no studies to prove immunity, they must plan as if there is no immunity. 

This reminds me of "enhanced green house effect" type science. That method of science says that despite the fact that there has never been an example in the past for this worst case scenario, to be safe, we must assume one in the future. Whether it be that we must stop burning fossil fuels to "save the planet" or we must shut down society and economies to "save mankind." These are not rational policies to deal with unknown threats. Threats which actually have  comparable historical precedents.

Back to Covid-19. If the current testing program does count fragments of the virus which are not contagious as positive, what does this say about the test numbers?  As Stadler rightly points out, being immune does not mean you are not infected with the virus, just that your immune system will destroy the virus without it causing you harm. This is not unlike the description of asymptomatic cases. The "silent spreaders" whom nobody quite knows how they spread the virus.  Again an assumption from the CDC:

"The relative infectiousness of asymptomatic cases to symptomatic cases remains highly uncertain as asymptomatic cases are difficult to identify and transmission is difficult to observe and quantify. The estimates for relative infectiousness are assumptions based on studies of viral shedding dynamics....the current estimates are an assumption."
Is it possible that "some" asymptomatic Covid-19 cases are people who are simply immune? They test positive because their immunity system has shattered the virus, but fragments still remain which show positive? that is precisely the argument that Stadler is making. If there is immunity it would stand to reason that some people who were immune, might be tested before they had shed the virus fragments from their body.

 But let's put immunity aside, what of people who have recovered from a mild case, perhaps without ever realizing they were infected. Could they too, still have fragments of the dead virus in their system, and then be tested? Not sometime in the future when antibody testing is capable of determining that a person had an infection but after the infection is defeated by a person's immune system but has not yet shed all those fragments. Instead of these people being what they truly are, recovered, they would then be recorded as a new case. Is this possible?

How long does it take to shed inactive virus fragments? It turns out that studies have looked into this, here is an article about one such study done in Germany:
At the same time, the study suggests that while people with mild infections can still test positive by throat swabs for days and even weeks after their illness, those who are only mildly sick are likely not still infectious by about 10 days after they start to experience symptoms.

I know what you are thinking, surely the experts would have figured this out, would have some way of accounting for this. Do you know that the basis for the entire global warming scare, now called climate change, is based on models which after all these years cannot account for one if not the most important factor in climate change? The effect clouds play in their so called theory? 
"Thus it is ironic that when it comes to forecasting the climate several decades ahead, clouds mainly obscure our vision......The ways that clouds respond to changes in the climate are so complex that it is hard to determine their net effect on the energy and water balances and to determine how much climate might change."
 You may believe that surely, given the gravity of the current pandemic situation, they would not count people who were not infectious as cases. I would answer, surely the "experts" would not disrupt the entire world order, when they can't even explain clouds, but they have. However when it comes to Covid-19 we already know they would because they have already counted recovered people as new cases.  
 "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has acknowledged that it is mixing the results of two different kinds of tests in the agency's tally of testing for the coronavirus, raising concerns among some scientists that it could be creating an inaccurate picture of the state of the pandemic in the United States. 
The CDC combines the results of genetic tests that spot people who are actively infected, mostly by using a process known as polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, with results from another, known as serology testing, which looks for antibodies in people's blood. Antibody testing is used to identify people who were previously infected."   
That was back in May. From an epidemiology standpoint it was pure stupidity. Then again, from an organization that was trying to recover from their initial testing fiasco, the more tests the better. Which is still the case, for now, the more cases the better. Have they resolved this issue of mixing tests? Sort of, in some places, we think. 

Just to add another wrinkle to all this, many states, California for example, report specimens tested not actual persons tested. This could be significant.  There are many reasons that a person could have more than one positive test. In reality multiple testing of positive individuals is not unusual, so multiple positive tests are not only possible but likely. Depending on the state each test will be reported as a "new case."

 What this means is the hype over "cases" which are  nothing more than positive tests could be dramatically overblown. If people that have already  had the virus and recovered are being listed as "new cases" then it certainly explains these massive surges of cases that don't show up in hospitals or die. Even if you assign no nefarious motives to any of this, we, the world has never done anything remotely like this before. The United States is now testing between three quarters and one million people a day! That is not only a remarkable achievement, it is ripe for mistakes, miscalculations, and shenanigans 

The worst mistake would be if many of these "new cases" were not infectious. The entire justification for this social disruption, slim as it already is, would be as tragic as...well as shutting off the source of energy for the world.


Quell the madness