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Waking Up

The Heritage Foundation has an article today about government spending. They note that America is finally beginning to become very concerned about deficits...about time.

The American people have caught on to Obama’s fiscal responsibility farce. According to Gallup, federal government debt is now tied with terrorism as the most worrisome issue to Americans. In particular, independents identify federal government debt as their top concern, a full six points ahead of terror.

Now that the majority of Americans are finally seeing this as a serious problem they are beginning to focus on what is being done about it,  and they are not seeing what they want from this administration. According to a new ABC/WAPO poll 39% approve of Obama's handling of the deficit while 56% disapprove.

I suspect this disapproval will continue to grow as more people wake up to the insanity of the federal government's fiscal policies and how bad they are mismanaging it.

What is particularly telling about the Gallup poll is that the deficit now polls as a greater concern than even unemployment and health care costs. This means people are beginning to be more concerned with the future than just their current situation. They are putting two and two together and realizing that the very future of the nation, not just the current downturn in the economy, is very important and at risk.
America is waking up.

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