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Media Bias? What Media Bias?

I was just checking out the undeclared Congressional House races throughout the country, yes there are still a few. One of them is in NY-25  where Republican Ann Marie Buerkle is leading  incumbent Democratic Rep. Dan Maffei.

Wanting to know where it stood I  Googled (NY-25) and looked to see if their is any recent news on it. Right at the top was this article from The New York Daily News by Celeste Katz. The title itself gives you a good idea that there is more than just straight out reporting involved, "No Conclusions And An Appeal For Cash In NY-25."

It would be a fair article if Ms. Katz mentioned that both candidates are appealing for cash to help with the possible recounts etc. but it doesn't it just mentions the Democrat incumbents need for financial support:

With a possible fight ahead (the AP is also reporting that there are more than 7,000 absentee ballots to be counted, and those probably won't be done until Nov. 15), Maffei sent out the email below, evoking the specter of the dreaded Florida recount and saying his team needs $25,000 to duke it out

Not only doesn't Ms. Katz reference Ann Marie Buerkle statement requesting support, Ms Katz posts Rep. Maffei's e-mail request complete with links for contributions.

This is nothing less than free advertising for Representative Maffei's campaign. How can you be any more transparent in your bias than to actually freely solicit for funds for one candidate over another by targeting New York states largest, wealthiest and most liberal market? Pathetic.

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