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In His Own Words

“Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

U.S. Senator Barack Obama
March 16, 2006,
preparing to vote against raising the debt ceiling


  1. but the blame is still Bush's fault...

    Cracks me up....it's worse than we thought

    That must mean that all the democrats that were in government.....weren't paying attention

  2. “AMB Chris Stevens was NOT surprised by his killers in Benghazi, Libya as has been portrayed thus far. According to sources in the State Department Chris Stevens was in Benghazi, Libya at the specific instruction of the Obama White House to recover weapons that the U.S. supplied to Libya rebels in the over throw of Gaddafi. These sources who work in the State Department and the Obama White House say that Barack Obama was directly involved in negotiations with Libyan Rebels in an effort to recover weapons that the U.S. supplied them. Sources say that the arrangements were made between Barack Obama direct talks and that the White House directly arranged for AMB Stevens to travel to Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 and it was by direction of Barack Obama that Stevens was to meet with the very individuals who tortured, raped and murdered him.”


  3. I wish I could link here,but you must read Doug Ross on the sidebar.

    Doug Ross @ Journal
    BOOM: On Eve of Debate, Former Senior Obama Adviser Eviscerates His Catastrophic Foreign Policy Failures
    30 minutes ago


  4. This is interesting too.

    Bluegrass pundit:

    Sunday, October 21, 2012
    Report: Obama sent message to Iran claiming Congress forced him to impose sanctions on central bank

  5. Lat, that article from lsnewsgroup made me sit up and takes notice. This whole Benghazi affair has been, in my mind, suspect from the beginning. It just didn't add up; the puzzle pieces didn't fit. I had read some speculation about CIA and weapons previously, but I couldn't make it fit. This explanation seems to make all the pieces (including tonight's story of a shift in facts from Obama) fall into place.
