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Notable Quotes

“The Obama administration failed to protect the consulate, failed to respond to requests, rejected demands that they get help. The ambassador was personally worried about not only his own life, but about violence, and the Obama administration did nothing, and if that offends the president, then that’s his problem, and he ought to get over it.”

Newt Gingrich


  1. Victims of the Nov. 2009 Ft. Hood shooting are being denied benefits commensurate with combat injuries because the Obama administration refuses to label the attack an act of terrorism.

    Instead, the shooting Maj. Nidal Hasan carried out after screaming "Allahu Akbar" it is still being labeled "workplace violence."

    The difference between labeling the incident "workplace violence" and "terrorism" is not only the rightful recognition 13 of our troops deserve for being killed in service to their country on Nov. 5, 2009, but also ongoing benefits that would help survivors pay for the physical therapy, and other medical and psychological treatments that might be necessary to a full recovery.


  2. North Carolina Registers Over 583 Democrat Votes Over the Age of 112


  3. Iranian Regime: Obama Sent Secret Message Recognizing Our Nuclear Rights

    On Saturday, the Iranian regime confirmed this report.
    The Iranian regime revealed on Saturday that the Obama Administration sent them a secret message through the Swiss Embassy recognizing their nuclear rights. The Swiss government, acting through its Embassy in Tehran, serves as protecting power for U.S. interests in Iran.
    Fars News reported, via Weasel Zippers:

